Barron\'s - 09.03.2020

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

March9,2020 BARRON’S 35


One promising corner of the market is the

oil patch, specifically midstream master

limited partnerships.

past skepticism aside, she has built a

5% position in the yellow metal.

Where’s the evidence of a reces-

sion? The 10-year to three-month

Treasury yield curve has inverted

three times in less than a year,

Rosenau notes; over the past 30

years, inverted curves have predicted

recessions 80% of the time. And

spreads between CCC- and BB-rated

bonds are at a historically elevated

844 basis points (8.44%), another

signal that investors are worried

about the economy.

But haven’t U.S. companies contin-

ued to post strong earnings? Rosenau

believes they’ve used cheap money to

mask their shaky health: By buying

back shares en masse, they’ve

propped up earnings per share. On

an overall basis, earnings have been

contracting, she says.

Economically sensitive cyclical

stocks, like industrials and financials,

are well off their cycle peaks, she says,

adding, “The underbelly of the market

has been pretty sickly.”

One promising corner of the mar-

ket is the oil patch, specifically mid-

stream master limited partnerships.

MLPs’ structure combines the tax

benefits of a partnership with the li-

quidity of stocks. Midstream MLPs—

those related to the transport, storage,

and processing of fuels—are cheap

because investors haven’t forgiven

them for slashing distributions from

2016 to 2018.

Names likeEnterprise Products

Partners(ticker: EPD) andMagellan

Midstream Partners(MMP) are

pivoting away from capital spending

and using their healthy free cash flow

to generate sustainable, growing

yields and buy back shares, Rosenau

says. Enterprise’s and Magellan’s for-

ward dividend yields are 7.3% and

7.24%, respectively.

Rosenau’s argument for gold, mean-

while, goes like this: The Federal Re-

serve is likely to continue printing

money, which should drive demand for

a physical inflation hedge. Central

bankers are hip to gold—2019 was the

second-highest level of purchases of

gold by 15 central banks in the past 50

years. “We’re in the early innings of a

secular bull market in gold,” she says.

Rather than buying physical gold,

look at gold-mining companies, which

are consolidating because they’ve de-

cided it’s cheaper to buy capacity than

to build it, Rosenau advises.

Rosenau has also found gems in

unexpected quarters. She has been a

fan of select names in the local broad-

casting business for the past year and

a half. Firms have been consolidating

amid regulatory changes and competi-

tion from online rivals for news and

entertainment. And political advertis-

ing is a brisk tailwind right now, she

says. Rosenau declined to name her

holdings, butNexstar Media Group

(NXST) shares are up 34% over the

past year.

Ultimately, this period of market

turbulence will bring stock prices back

into line with their fundamentals, she

says. That means reasonably priced

stocks will no longer be a rarity.

On the bond front, Rosenau owns

short duration, high-quality bills,

along with high-quality municipal

bonds and some high-grade corpo-

rates. This isn’t the first time Rosenau

has amassed big cash positions. “It

happened prior to 2000 and 2008,”

she says. “And I have the willies now

like I did then.”B

“This market

could go down

between 15%

and 20% from

its high. This

is a global


Pamela Rosenau

Facing Up

To Recession


HighTower Advisors’ Pamela Rosenau has been

pessimistic and held 20% in cash for over a year



ven amid the quickly

evolving coronavirus epi-

demic, Wall Street prog-

nosticators have been

hesitant to utter the “R”

word. But Pamela

Rosenau, chief equity

market strategist at advisory firm

HighTower, is undeterred.

“This market could go down be-

tween 15% and 20% from its high,”

says the Aspen, Colo.–based Rosenau,

who has held a big cash position for

more than a year amid concerns about

the market. “This is a global recession.”

Conviction, of course, is not the

same as accuracy. Recessions don’t

start with the ring of a bell—their

inception dates become clear only in

hindsight. Still, Wall Street’s outlook

is growing unmistakably darker.

Goldman Sachs, while admittedly

more pessimistic than most, now sees

0% earnings growth for U.S. compa-

nies in 2020. And Moody’s chief

economist Mark Zandi recently told

theBarron’sRoundtable that the

bond market was signaling a global


Rosenau, who, in addition to her

equity strategist role, manages $1.2

billion for 242 client households, says

it’s time to head for master limited

partnerships, select opportunistic non-

Benedict Evanscyclical stocks—and gold. Putting her

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