Barron\'s - 09.03.2020

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

36 BARRON’S March9,2020





Photograph byBEN SKLAR


few years before the start of this decadelong

bull market, Paul Hickey, 45, and Justin Wal-

ters, 38, launched Bespoke Investment Group,

a subscription research service that dissemi-

nates their stock market insights and invest-

ment recommendations. They’d met as

researchers at the strategy shop Birinyi Asso-

ciates before launching their Harrison, N.Y.–based firm in

May 2007. Bespoke helps clients stay mindful of histori-

cal market facts and current opportunities. They have

made some good calls: They became market bulls in early

2009, and toldBarron’sreaders to buyNetflixandFace-

bookin 2015.

The coronavirus has proved to be a particular threat to

both the aged population and the aged bull market, so we

visited the Bespoke founders for perspective. An edited

version of our conversation follows.

Barron’s:The market’s in the sick ward. What now?

Paul Hickey:We look at events like this historically.

When you see these very quick shocks to the market,

there’s a short-term unsettlement. But over six to 12

months, you’ve seen better-than-average market returns.

It’s a matter of the market finding its footing. Right

now, we’re trading more on the fear of what could happen

rather than what’s actually happening.

Justin Walters:It’s really easy to say, “Buy low and sell

high,” but when emotions get running, investors typically

do the opposite. We like to keep our emotions in check

and look at historical data. And history shows that in

times like these—when markets are panicking—that’s not

when to sell. We look for buy opportunities.

Where were markets before the virus?

Walters:Coming into the Feb. 19 high, the S&P 500

index was up 17% from October. Markets were very ex-


An Interview with Justin Walters and Paul Hickey,

Founders, Bespoke Investment Group

Justin Walters, left,

and Paul Hickey

March9,2020 BARRON’S 37

The pair launched their subscription research service a few years before the

long-running bull market began. They became bulls in early 2009, and told

Barron’sreaders to buy Netflix and Facebook in 2015.

tended, which increased valuations, as

well. So all we’ve done really is re-

versed those gains and gone back to

where we were in mid-2019.

Hickey:In February, the S&P 500’s

price/earnings ratio was in the 99th

percentile relative to the past 10 years—

which is obviously stretched. Now

we’re in the 75th percentile. So the pull-

back has reset valuations.

Coming into the year, we were look-

ing at a neutral set of pros and cons, a

relatively even balance. That made us

expect an average year for stocks going

forward. Now, we’re down 6% on the

year, so you have to place the bias to-

ward looking for above-average returns

going forward.

The coronavirus is creating uncer-

tainty, but eventually that will play out.

Then the market will return to a more

firm footing.

You watch certain measures of the

market. What are they showing?

Hickey:Right now, it’s extremely over-

sold—from a price perspective and

market internals, like breadth [the

number of stocks affected]. Every way

you look at it, it’s extremely oversold.

When things get this oversold, you

want to look for buying opportunities.

Dare I ask for a forecast for the

broad markets?

Walters:Coming into the year, we

were looking for an average year for

equities. You know, mid-single digits in

percentage returns. So now that we’re

down 6%, the potential for, say, a 10%

gain from here is that much more at-


Hickey:With this coronavirus, there’s

uncertainty in how many cases there

are going to be. We haven’t even really

started testing for it here. But you can

envision an end to it.

With past big, finance-related

events, there was less of an end in

sight. The peak hysteria over this virus

is going to be measured in weeks and

months, not longer. It will pass rela-

tively shortly. And once we do move

past it, the election comes into view.

How is the election relevant to


Walters:If you’re looking at betting

odds, President Donald Trump has a

roughly 60% chance of winning re-

election, which means the Democratic

candidate has a 40% chance. Be it

[Bernie] Sanders or [Joe] Biden.

Hickey:The common trend for years

when you have a president running for

re-election tends to be flat-to-negative

returns. Then the market picks up in

the second half of the year, as the mar-

ket figures out what’s going to happen.

Health-insurance stocks were down

big; now, they’ve rallied with the

changing tide on the Democratic side.

Which non-U.S. markets should we

be talking about?

Hickey:It has been a lost decade for

emerging markets and a lot of interna-

tional markets. As an investor, it’s very

important to have diversification.

We’ve been positive on those markets

for the past year or two, and we haven’t

yet seen the outperformance. The dol-

lar has been strong recently, but that

won’t last forever. When the dollar

does start to weaken, emerging mar-

kets will be a primary beneficiary.

As an asset class, it’s easy to have

exposure there. TheiShares MSCI

Emerging Marketsexchange-traded

fund (ticker: EEM), for instance, has

more than a 3% yield.

All of the S&P sectors have been

clocked by the virus. Are there any

industry distinctions?

Walters:While valuations for the

broad S&P 500, coming into mid-

February, were in the 99th percentile,

financials remained in the 60th and

70th. And after the steep decline we’ve

seen, those valuations for financials

have dropped all the way to just the

bottom one percentile of their 10-year

range. So that’s definitely a sector

where the valuations have come in

really low. Yet default risk for the

sector remains extremely low. We’d

recommend an overweight exposure.

So, buy financial stocks. Are there

specific ones you like?

Walters:If you want to buy the entire

sector, use theFinancial Select Sec-

tor SPDRETF (XLF) or theSPDR

S&P BankETF (KBE).

Or even the individual stocks of the

large banks, likeBank of America

(BAC) orGoldman Sachs Group(GS).

Since the financial crisis, their balance

sheets are so much stronger. They have

the ability to raise dividends, as the

regulatory environment has gotten less

stringent on them.

Any other sectors that we would

have been discussing if we weren’t

in the isolation ward?

Walters:Energy is tough, right now.

Sentiment is so negative on the sector.

You’ve got the whole ESG [environ-

mental, social, and corporate gover-

nance] trend, which is really hurting

things. The energy sector’s weighting

in the S&P 500 has dropped to 3.5%—

which is smaller than utilities and

something we haven’t seen since at

least 1990. Just over 10 years ago, en-

ergy had a weighting of nearly 16%.

So, as a matter of asset allocation and

long-term mean-reversion, we think

the energy sector’s not going away. It’s

a good time to probably pick some up

something like theEnergy Select


Which stocks do you like?

Hickey:One we like right now is

Albemarle(ALB), which is a lithium

producer. They are one of the largest

players in the lithium market in the

U.S. There is a secular growth trend,

with the move to electric vehicles and

battery storage of solar power. Right

now, lithium prices are weak, but

that’s a temporary phenomenon as

they right-size their production.

We’re going to see double-digit

growth in the market over the next

five years, as the electric-vehicle mar-

ket grows.

Historically, we’ve seen a correlation

between the performance ofTesla’s

stock (TSLA) and those of the lithium

producers. If Tesla’s stock is too crazy

for you to buy right now, Albemarle or

theGlobal X Lithium & Battery

TechETF (LIT) are good ways to gain

exposure to the battery-electric sector

without having to reach for Tesla.

Any others?

Walters:Two videogame stocks:

Electronic Arts(EA) andActivision

Blizzard(ATVI). We like the long-

term outlook for the gaming industry,

with the rise of esports. Those two

stocks underperformed on a relative

basis in 2017 and 2018, so they haven’t

gotten as stretched as other consumer

tech names.

Hickey:Yo u h aveMicrosoft(MSFT)

andSony(SNE) releasing new con-

soles later this year. Videogame stocks

tend to outperform in the months lead-

ing up to the release of new consoles. If

we’re stuck in a pandemic, what better

way to pass the time than that?

When we’re “working from home.”

Hickey:Switzerland just banned

events for more than 1,000 people.

Schools are closing around the world,

so if you can’t go out, you’ll be more

likely to play a game at home.

Another stock we like isSlack

Technologies(WORK). It’s one of

the stickiest applications that any

worker is using these days. Once they

start using it, they always use it. The

fact that it has become a verb—“Slack

me,” rather than “email me”—just

shows the power of the platform and

the fact that it’s not necessarily a

flash in the pan.

The worry is the competition from

Microsoft. But engagement statistics

for Slack are so much higher than they

are for Microsoft Teams, which is a

product they’re giving away. Slack is

something that people actually pay for.

The company came public at over $40,

and it’s in the high-$20s now. It’s not a

company that’s levered up or burning

through cash.

Walters:And as we were saying with

the videogame stocks, if you are going

to be stuck at home and working re-

motely, you’re going to need an applica-

tion like Slack.

Any investments you don’t like?

Hickey:Long-term Treasuries. The

S&P 500’s dividend yield is now more

than a full percentage point higher

than the yield on the 10-year Treasury.

That only happened once before—

during the 2008 crisis. When you’re

looking at a 1% Treasury yield, that

“income investment” just isn’t

providing much in the way of income.

Thanks, Justin and Paul.B




MSCI Emerging

Markets ETF


Financial Select



SPDR S&P Bank..........................

Bank ETF


Bank of America



Sachs Group


Energy Select





Global X Lithium &



Electronic Arts............................




Slack Technologies......................15,






“When things get this oversold, you want to look

for buying opportunities.”—Paul Hickey

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