Barron\'s Magazine. April 06, 2020

(Rick Simeone) #1

M6 BARRON’S April 6, 2020

prices near record lows, with prices in

Chicago at 84 cents a gallon on April 3,

down nearly 34% from $1.2625 a gallon at

the end of February, according to Denton

Cinquegrana, chief oil analyst at OPIS by

IHS Markit.

Retail gasoline sales are down 50% ver-

sus last year, based on figures from gaso-

line stations throughout the nation, says


The demand loss for gasoline comes

despite the lowest retail prices for the fuel

since 2016. The average domestic price for

regular gas was at $1.912 a gallon on April

3, according to GasBuddy.

Demand for ethanol tracksalong with

gasoline, but “we’re in unusual territory

right now” as ethanol is adding to the cost

of gasoline instead of reducing the cost as

it typically does, says Patrick De Haan,

head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy.

Reformulated gasoline futures were at

69.16 cents a gallon on April 3.

“Since 10% of most gasoline is ethanol,

we usually see ethanol bring a lower gaso-

line price, not a higher one as we do right

now,” De Haan says. “The higher price

now may add a few cents per gallon to

gasoline,” so stations are likely blending as

little as possible to meet the Renewable

Fuel Standard requirements.

That, in turn, is “hurting ethanol pro-

ducers acutely now. Some distilleries that

produce ethanol have shut down com-

pletely,” De Haan says.

That worsens the outlook for corn de-

mand. In the short term, there’s talk of $3

a bushel corn prices, Gilbertie says.

Corn below $3 would be the lowest

since the Renewable Fuels Standard fed-

eral program was expanded in 2007, he

says. The program requires that U.S.

transportation fuel contain a minimum

amount of renewable fuels.

Below that amount, corn “would be

deeply under its cost of production, put-

ting future production at risk and making

any corn price near [$3] unsustainable for

very long,” says Gilbertie.B


Corn Prices Are Battered

By Ethanol’s Troubles


orn prices could drop to their
lowest levels in more than a

decade as coronavirus-related

weakness in demand for gaso-

line pushes the cost of ethanol toward re-

cord lows.

The decline in gasoline demand due to

the widespread Covid-19 travel and work

restrictions, especially in the U.S., deeply

“affects the king of the ag markets—corn,”

says Sal Gilbertie, president and chief in-

vestment officer at Teucrium Trading.

U.S. motor gasoline demand was at

roughly 6.7 million barrels for the week

ended March 27, down 25% from just a

week earlier, according to the Energy In-

formation Administration. Most gasoline

has 10% ethanol content, and ethanol is

commonly made from corn.

Corn futures settled at $3.30 3/4 a

bushel in Chicago on April 3—the lowest

since September 2016 and down nearly

15% year to date.

U.S. ethanol use may see an estimated

total decline of 741 million gallons in the

March through May period, which would

result in a reduction of 256 million bushels

in corn ethanol use, according to a report

from economists at the University of Illi-

nois posted on the university’s daily farm-

doc website.

Adding to the concerns of excess sup-

plies, the U.S. Department of Agriculture

estimates total U.S. corn planted acreage at

97 million acres in 2020, up 8% from last


“The ethanol story has deteriorated

rapidly” since the USDA’s Agricultural

Outlook Forum on Feb. 20-21, says John

Payne, senior futures and options broker

with Daniels Trading.

Even if actual corn acreage were down

by 10 million from the official estimate,

that would likely not be enough to keep

corn prices higher, he says.

The largest use of U.S. corn, roughly

40%, is for ethanol production. Ethanol

By Myra P. Saefong

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