The Globe and Mail - 22.02.2020

(Elle) #1



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“A whole new sound”-KanyeWest

Hip-hop violinist and Grammy Award-
winning violinist and producer, Miri Ben-
Ari’s unique music is a revolutionary
fusion of classical,
hip-hop, soul and dance.







In their swinging style, this 18-piece big
band performs original arrangements
of New Orleans piano legend Allen
Toussaint’s greatest hits.







he singular hallmark of this
age of peak television is
that anything can happen.
Great, thrilling, unconventional
drama emerges from the fringes
and is watched and praised. An-
other defining aspect of this TV
era is the tendency of critics to
praise serious-minded content
above all else. This is too conven-
tional an approach for a time in
which conventions are thrown
Hunters (streaming on
Amazon Prime Video) is precise-
ly the sort of series that will
puzzle some viewers and certain
reviewers. It isn’t what’s expect-
ed, you see. Presented to the pub-
lic and heavily promoted as a dra-
ma about a miscellaneous crew of
regular folks coming together to
find and kill Nazis in New York in
the 1970s – and starring Al Pacino
as their leader – it is imagined in
advance as a propulsive revenge
It is that, but in tone, style and
execution, it uses a mad mash-up
of methods to tell its story. Freed
from limitations, the makers –
the creator is David Weil, who has
almost no previous credits, and
the executive producer is Jordan
Peele – proceed with the narra-
tive, but fill it with wild argumen-
tativeness and appear to be en-
gaged in an ambitious pursuit of a
unique tone, one of jokey, car-
toon-like deadpan. On the evi-

dence of early episodes (there are
10), it’s as thrillingly unusual as it
is thrilling.
The thriller story is the only
straightforward element. Jonah
Heidelbaum (Logan Lerman), a
slacker teen in New York, is dev-
astated when his grandmother, a
Holocaust survivor, is murdered.
He’s eager for revenge, which
brings him to the attention of
Meyer Offerman (Pacino), who
has knowledge that a gaggle of
Nazis has moved to the United
States and organized a cabal that,
of course, has nefarious inten-
tions. Meyer has his own cabal, in-
tending to wipe them out. The
gang includes a squabbling mar-
ried couple (Carol Kane and Saul
Rubinek) who happen to be arms
experts, a nun with ultraviolent
tendencies (Kate Mulvany), a

Vietnam vet (Louis Ozawa
Changchien), an actor who oozes
sleaze (Josh Radnor) and a spark
plug named Roxy (Tiffany
Boone), who is straight out of a
1970s blaxploitation movie.
Not one of these characters is
fully drawn – and are not meant
to be. Even the Meyer character,
played deftly by Pacino, is a pencil
drawing of a puppet master, pull-
ing the strings behind the vigi-
lante force. This doesn’t diminish
the quality of the series, once you
accept that it is filled with nods to
comic-book antics.
The tone will puzzle, if not be-
wilder, some viewers, as the series
also relies on realistic flashbacks
to the Holocaust that are unset-
tling in their depiction of terrible
The point of these flashbacks is

to bolster the zealous search-and-
destroy mission of the Nazi hun-
ters in the main storyline. There is
considerable torture on display
and some of the arguments about
the end justifying the means feel
truncated in order to get back to
the action.
In a way,Huntersis indescrib-
able. It has a propulsive quality
that will take many viewers on a
binge-watch. It’s a bold experi-
ment, visually ostentatious, and
its illustration of late 1970s New
York is almost as vivid as the
1950s setting in Amazon’sThe
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.


CBC Docs POVreturns after a long
absence withnipawistamasowin:

We Will Stand Up(Sunday, CBC, 9
p.m.). It is Tasha Hubbard’s un-
nervingly tender doc about the
matter of Colten Boushie, a 22-
year-old Cree man who was fatal-
ly shot by farmer Gerald Stanley
in 2016, on Stanley’s farm near
Biggar, Sask. Hubbard’s aim,
which she executes wonderfully,
is to stick with the Boushie family
as they experience Stanley’s trial,
the intense news coverage and
the corresponding social-media
Sometimes, it’s a fly-on-the-
wall documentary, simply ob-
serving the tensions around the
trial and the verdict. Sometimes,
it allows the Boushie family to
just talk and talk, at first unable to
find the right words, and express
their grief and bafflement. Highly
There are two major returning
shows, as well.The Walking Dead
(Sunday, AMC, 9 p.m.) starts the
second half of its 10th season, one
that was energized by the appear-
ance of Alpha (Samantha Mor-
ton) and the Whisperers – and
their demonic rage. This batch of
episodes will also see the depar-
ture of Danai Gurira as Michonne.
First up, our heroic characters are
trapped in a cave with a nasty
horde of zombies. And whither
Negan, now that he has teamed
up with Alpha and the Whisper-
Better Call Saul(Sunday, AMC,
10 p.m.) is back for its next-to-last
season. At this point in the pre-
quel to Breaking Bad, Jimmy
McGill (Bob Odenkirk) is quickly
evolving from hustling, newly
minted lawyer to crooked man
with few scruples or friends, one
Saul Goodman.
There is a sense of menace
about the first new episode, but
similar to all before it, it moves
slowly, almost icily examining
Jimmy’s descent into the void.
That void is, you might say, Amer-
ica itself, where damaged, inse-
cure men make foolish decisions












hat do you have to do to
be seen for who you re-
ally are? In the case of
Cassils, a visual artist who goes
by one name and uses the pro-
noun they, the answer involves a
large amount of highly athletic
Cassils, a Canadian now work-
ing in Los Angeles and known for
performances relating to the
body, staged a heavy-duty event
at the Gardiner Museum in To-
ronto on Thursday, a 90-minute
endurance test in which they
clawed themselves windows in a
box of wet clay. The audience was
ushered into a darkened exhibi-
tion space and invited to sit,
stand or move around a large
acrylic box, itself about the size

of a small room. The sides of the
transparent box were completely
obscured with grey clay, but Cas-
sils’s labour was already audible
as they began to scrap back the
stuff, gradually allowing the au-
dience peepholes into the per-
Sometimes standing, some-
times swinging from a trapeze to
reach higher up the sides, some-
times scraping effectively with
clawing hands, sometimes slash-
ing vainly with kicking feet, Cas-
sils eventually revealed them-
selves. Here was a lean and mus-
cular body, bare-chested and
wearing only shorts, glistening
with sweat from the effort, which
must have been getting harder as
the clay stiffened and dried.
You could probably have re-
moved the clay a lot faster using a
stepladder, a spray bottle and a
big metal scraper, but which of
us, with the possible exception of
some politicians and movie stars,

approaches the creation of our
public identity with nothing but
efficiency in mind? The perform-
ance’s metaphor for visibility be-
came more emphatic as it pro-
gressed: This is how hard it is to
be seen as a trans person. Cassils
would occasionally put an eye to
the glass and peer suspiciously at

the audience as though remind-
ing the voyeurs that the perform-
er could see us, too.
Cassils calls the performance
Up To and Including Their Limits,a
reference to the American per-
formance artist Carolee Schnee-
mann who used her suspended
body to draw lines on paper for a

1970s piece titledUp To and In-
cluding Her Limits. Like the pio-
neering body and performance
art of those years, Cassils’s work
can certainly test the patience of
viewers, albeit not as fiercely as it
tests the artist’s endurance. Still,
on Thursday, the concept was of-
ten more gripping than sitting
through the lengthy execution.
I actually found the piece most
evocative in its mysterious early
stages when it felt as though the
unseen Cassils was clawing their
way out of the grave. Raw clay,
the stuff of creation, seemed to
have fashioned a tomb for the
artist, suggesting a powerful im-
age of life and death.
The remains of the perform-
ance, as well as video footage,
will be on display at the Gardiner
as of March 5, when the ceramics
museum opens an exhibition ti-
tled Raw devoted to contempo-
rary artists who use unfired clay.
As well as Cassils, they include
Magdolene Dykstra, Azza El Sid-
dique and Linda Swanson.

Raw shows at the Gardiner
Museum in Toronto from March 5
to June 7.







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