This is how we sustain the long-
term care system for older citi-
zens today. But as the baby boom-
ers age, the cost of caring for the
elderly is expected to triple over
the next three decades, reaching
$71-billion annually in 2050.
To sustain people at home and
in long-term care facilities, feder-
al and provincialgovernments
will face difficult choices. The op-
tions include some combination
Ordering health professionals
to cut back on end-of-life care.
Forcing family members –
most of them women – to spend
more and more of their time look-
ing after aging relatives.
Raising taxes, while cutting
funding to defence, education,
foreign aid and other programs
not related to health care and
long-term care.
Implementing comprehen-
sive long-term care insurance,
with workers and employers pay-
ing the premiums,and govern-
e’ll leave it to others to
explain why men gener-
ally don’t like looking af-
ter people. But it’s a fact that care-
givers are overwhelmingly wom-
en. And sincegovernments are
facing massive increases in the
costs of caring for older Cana-
dians, women need to make sure
they are in positions of power.
Otherwise, the burden will fall on
them, while the boys play with
their toys.
In North America today, wom-
en still do almost all of the caring.
According to Priceonomics,
which analyzed data from the
United States, more than 90 per
cent of babysitters are female. In
Canada, three-quarters of public
school teachers are women, along
with more than half of all physi-
cians younger than 40 and 90 per
cent of nurses.
Personal support workers are
the backbone of the long-term
care system. There are around
100,000 of them in Ontario, alone
- the underpaid and overworked
caregivers who, literally, do the
heavy lifting of caring for the frail
and elderly in homes and nursing
homes. More than 90 per cent of
PSWs are women; about 40 per
cent were not born in Canada.
Their work is difficult and can be
dangerous if the patient is violent
due to dementia. They make little
more than minimum wage.
“We are not valuing this incred-
ibly difficult and important
work,” says Chi Nguyen, director
of Toronto-based Social Innova-
tion Canada. “When you consider
the kind of personal care and sup-
port and dignity you are giving to
another human being, and the
kind of emotional sensitivity
that’s required to do that job com-
petently, it’s incredible that they
get paid as little as they do.”
One reason they are not paid
better is that personal support
workers supplement the work of
family members, who provide
about three-quarters of all long-
term care. According to Statistics
Canada, women are twice as like-
ly as men to provide intensive, re-
petitive care, such as bathing and
dressing older family members,
while men are more likely to carry
out home maintenance.
ment programs filling any gaps.
Accepting higher poverty lev-
els among the elderly.
These choices will affect wom-
en more than men because wom-
en already devote so much time
to care. But although Prime Min-
ister Justin Trudeau has mandat-
ed that half of all federal cabinet
positions be filled by women,
men continue to dominate Cana-
da’s power structures. Caroline
Cochrane of the Northwest Terri-
tories is the only female premier.
Nine of the 14 federal, provincial
and territorial finance ministers
are men.
Imagine a meeting between a
prime minister and finance min-
ister, both men, around budget
time. Demands are many and rev-
enue limited. If the choice is be-
tween replacing some aging fri-
gates or increasing the budget for
home care, the men may incline
toward the navy, knowing their
wives or sisters will make sure
mom and dad are looked after.
But if the prime minister and fi-
nance minister are women who
are dealing with the challenges of
their own aging parents, maybe
increased funding for personal
support workers would take pri-
“When you have more women
in positions of political power,
you see them making more deci-
sions that are good for local com-
munities,” says Therese Huston, a
cognitive psychologist at Seattle
University and author of the 2016
bookHoö Bomen
Although Dr. Huston is not
aware of any specific research on
how women and men decide on
policy issues affecting families,
“the research shows women mak-
ing more collaborative decisions,
bringing more people’s needs in-
to the conversation than men
do,” she said in an interview.
“That may mean that women
will do a better job of looking out
for a broader range of needs, be-
cause they take more people’s
needs into consideration.”
Even if men are left in charge,
market forces and electoral con-
siderations will force change. As
Bonnie-Jeanne MacDonald, direc-
tor of financial security research
at Ryerson University’s National
Institute on Ageing, observes, ap-
proximately 6.1 million Cana-
dians, or 35 per cent of the work
force, balance career and caregiv-
ing responsibilities at the same
“With smaller families, fewer
adult children, and many of those
female adult children in the work
force, sustaining this level of un-
paid care will be a challenge as
Canada’s population ages,” she
While the challenges of an ag-
ing society affect women more
than men in their role as caregiv-
ers, everyone is affected equally
as receivers of care.
In some ways, it’s “self-inter-
est” for women to be in positions
of power where decisions about
the future of long-term care are
made, says Ms. Nguyen at Social
Innovation Canada. “But actually
it’s a collective societal interest in
investing in the mechanisms that
are going to keep us all healthier
longer, with better living oppor-
There is no greater policy chal-
lenge for Canada’sgovernments
than caring for a growing, aging
society. Everyone would benefit if
women managed that change at
the cabinet table, as well as at
anada’s Department of Jus-
tice currently recommends
that legislators use gender-
neutral language when drafting
statutes because “laws that ex-
clude references to the female
gender do not promote gender
equality.” Leading off their list of
suggestions is a pronoun: “Use
the singular ‘they’ ... to refer to in-
definite pronouns and singular
nouns.” Other options include the
phrase “he or she” or rewriting in
the plural. Generic “he,” once the
default legal construction, is no
longer an option, which is a good
thing because despite centuries of
being propped up by grammari-
ans, teachers and editors, “he”
was never truly generic.
Using a masculine word to in-
clude women – what generic “he”
is supposed to do in grammar and
in law – was a key feature of En-
gland’s Act of Interpretation
(1850) as well as Canada’s first In-
terpretation Act, which provided
that “Words importing ... the
masculine gender only, shall in-
clude ... females as well as males”
(in the United States, the Dictio-
nary Act – passed in 1871 – also
said that masculine words could
refer to women).
Courts had no trouble puni-
shing women when the criminal
code referred to lawbreakers as
“he.” But judges and legislators –
all of them men in the 19th centu-
ry – insisted that “he” was not ge-
neric when it came to rights such
as voting, holding elected office or
entering a traditionally all-male
profession such as medicine or
All that has changed. Canadian
women have been doctors since
the 1860s, lawyers since 1892 and
voters since 1918. But such
achievements came without the
help of the Interpretation Act’s
“he-means-she” provision.
The generic “he” also kept
women out of civil service jobs in
Canada. A 1921 article on the histo-
ry of the Ottawa civil service sug-
gested that women’s exclusion
was both grammatical and natu-
ral: “The Civil Service is for men
only ... The law on the subject is all
in the masculine gender, which,
while a purely technical point, is
really founded on the primary
conception of a service in which
women would not have a part.”
According to the writer, the
pronoun “he” in the Canadian
Civil Service law was simply a nod
to grammatical tradition, not to
the realities ofgovernment work:
“Women were not specifically ex-
cluded: they were simply not
thought of being in any way eligi-
ble.” In his opinion – the anony-
mous writer is certainly male –
what eventually put women at
government desks in 1883 had
nothing to do with feminism, suf-
frage or a sense of fairness. It was
their ability to do menial office
work. He put it bluntly: “They
came in with the typewriter.”
Typewriters first appeared in
the 1870s, and within a decade
they were well on their way to be-
coming the office writing tool of
choice. Once it became clear that
women could type, and do it more
cheaply than men, the Ottawa
Civil Service hired them by the
thousands. But even as late as 1921
women were considered temps.
According to the anonymous civ-
il-service historian, “They come
and go. The brighter and cleverer
they are the more likely they are to
get married, and it is another tra-
dition that a married woman ...
shall not be in the public service.”
In fact, a new civil-service bill
introduced in 1924 codified the
tradition of ousting married
women from the civil service, and
it too had pronoun trouble. In a
bizarre attempt to adhere to
grammatical convention, that bill
used masculine pronouns for the
women: “he [i.e., a civil servant] is
to retire on marriage.”
During the legislative debate
over this provision, the bill’s
sponsor was asked whether male
civil servants also had to retire
when they married. He replied,
matter-of-factly, “Female employ-
ees are of course compelled to re-
tire on marriage” – no surprise
there, given the previous “tradi-
tion.” The follow-up question,
“Then why not say ‘she’?” brought
the reply that “he” was used “for
conformity” – Canadian statutes
always used “he.” Apparently that
was explanation enough, and the
Civil Service bill – in which “he” in
this case meant “only she” – was
quickly approved.
All that has changed. Over the
past decade, singular “they” has
become the statutory pronoun of
choice. It’s the ultimate inclusive
word: both gender-neutral and
non-binary, singular “they” refers
to men, women and persons who
are trans or gender-nonconform-
ing. And it’s idiomatic: English
plural pronouns can and regular-
ly do function as singulars – see,
for example, the editorial or royal
“we.” More to the point, plural
“they” has doubled as a singular
pronoun in careful, edited writing
sincethe 14th century. In contrast,
the second person plural pro-
noun “you” has only functioned
as a singular since the 17th centu-
ry, when it began driving out sin-
gular “thou” and “thee.”
This means singular “they” is
hundreds of years older than the
perfectly standard singular “you.”
And language authorities – dictio-
naries, grammar and style guides
- are quickly recognizing that sin-
gular “they” is standard English.
Both Merriam-Webster and the
Oxford English Dictionary have
added the non-binary sense of
singular “they” to existing defini-
tions of gender-neutral “they,”
and the latest edition of the Amer-
ican Psychological Association’s
Publication Manual recommends
the gender-inclusive singular
“they” both in clinical settings
and for scholarly writing.
In addition, singular “they” has
been sweeping the awards. Mer-
riam-Webster declared non-bina-
ry singular “they” its Word of the
Year for 2019, and the American
Dialect Society named singular
“they” the Word of the Decade.
There are alternatives to singu-
lar “they.” Some people prefer a
coined pronoun such as “zie” or
“hir.” Or no pronoun at all. But
whatever option you choose, re-
member that generic “he” is pret-
ty much stake-through-the-heart
dead. Singular “they” is used by
people who want to promote gen-
der inclusivity, and it’s used as
well by those who have never giv-
en the issue of gender much
thought at all. Anyone who still
objects to singular “they” on
grammatical grounds should con-
sider what the linguist Fred New-
ton Scott said 135 years ago: “The
word they is being used as a pro-
noun of the common gender ev-
ery day by millions of persons
who are not particular about their
language, and every other day by
several thousands who are partic-