The Globe and Mail - 22.02.2020

(Elle) #1



t is never wise to publish a hard
prediction, but I will eschew
convention and make one any-
how: Thegovernment under Pre-
mier Doug Ford will accidentally
build the Ontario Line into the
It is inevitable coming from the
government that, last year, print-
ed stickers that didn’t actually
stick to warn gas station patrons
about the federal carbon tax.
Then, earlier this month, it began
circulating new licence plates that
become illegible after the sun
goes down.
I can only assume, therefore,
that the Ford government will fol-
low by either cutting the ribbon
on new long-term care beds for
which it will forget to order mat-
tresses, or build its prized Ontario
Line in the wrong direction after

someone mistakenly scans the
map upside down.
In past and present, when con-
fronted with its peeling stickers,
washed-out licence plates and
faded dreams, the Ontario gov-
ernment will insist its products
have previously gone through rig-
orous testing.
Indeed, when asked Tuesday
about reports that the new licence
plates cannot be seen in the dark,
Minister of Government and Con-
sumer Services Lisa Thompson
responded by saying Ontario’s
new plates “are actually very read-
able,” which is as true as saying
Ontario’s new plates are actually
made of cottage cheese and/or
that the Fordgovernment’s savvy
team of political strategists are
public relations masterminds.
Anyway, according to Ms.
Thompson, the new, street-racer-
approved Ontario licence plates
still constitute an improvement
on “the flaking and peeling Liber-
al plates,” which, in some cases,
would become unreadable after
years of use, as opposed to the
new ones that become unread-
able from the time they are made.
To the government’s credit,
however, it did change its tune the
following day (ostensibly after
consultations with reality and rig-
orous testing using human eyes)
and conceded that yes, there is a

problem with visibility regarding
the new licence plates and noted
that the province will be working
with the manufacturer to fix the
What this all suggests is that
there is a higher-than-zero
chance that Ontario’s ambitious
new transit plan – which was To-
ronto’s Downtown Relief Line un-
til the Premier scratched off “May-
or John Tory” and penciled in
“Doug” – will be accidentally be
built underwater, right into Lake

The first sign that something is
amiss will be when a lost boring
machine suddenly washes up on
the coast of Rochester, N.Y.
The U.S. Coast Guard will then
examine the machine to try to fig-
ure out where it came from, but

unfortunately, by then, the identi-
fying sticker would’ve already
peeled off (little did they know, it
peeled off shortly after it was ap-
plied). Eventually, authorities will
make the connection and phone
up Queen’s Park to come fetch its
missing machine.
It will be at that point that the
government will realize that the
entire north-south portion of the
Ontario Line was accidentally just
built south, with eight stops en-
tirely submerged and leading out
in the water to nowhere.
The trains, which will only be
operational once, will cruise mer-
rily past Queen’s Quay, beyond
which they will become water-
logged and sink to the bottom of
the lake. Look out, quagga mus-
sels – there’s a new invasive spe-
cies coming to Lake Ontario.
Back on land,the government
will assemble a hasty news con-
ference to respond to reports of
missing trains and angry and ex-
hausted passengers swimming up
to Cherry Beach, There, the minis-
ter of transport will assure report-
ers that the Ontario Line trains
were subject to rigorous testing
(not rigorous testing underwater,
mind you, but rigorous testing all
the same) and that the plans for
the transit expansion were re-
viewed dozens of times.
Anyway, the minister will add,

“The previous Liberal transit line
was noisy and disruptive. Ours is
unobtrusive and remarkably
Eventually, though, the gov-
ernment will have to concede that
it didn’t actually intend to waste
money on a useless transit line
that will have to be replaced.
Pressed for further explanation,
the ministry will reluctantly re-
veal than an Ontario Line project
manager – likely a second or a
third cousin of former Ford chief
of staff Dean French – inadver-
tently scanned a map of the city
upside down because he thought
the “blue part” at the top simply
represented the PC-loving vote-
rich 905 region. A common mis-
take, really.
And so, in the end, a fleet of
broken trains, useless tracks and
wasted hours will be thrust into
the province’s “do-over” pile,
which is already flush with un-
sticky stickers, unreadable licence
plates, the government’s initial
autism program overhaul, the
plan to retroactively cut munici-
pal budgets, the plan to cancel
construction on a French-lan-
guage university and scheduled
cuts to the province’s legal aid sys-
tem – among other things.
Really, though, when it comes
to this government, what’s one
more mulligan?











know Hanau, a small city sur-
rounded by forest on the river
Main. It’s a bustling hub that
for centuries has attracted people
from many cultures and religions
to its factories, shops and military
bases; its citizens have always
been diverse and polyglot.
I know some of Hanau’s lead-
ers and thinkers, including its
long-time mayor, Claus Kamin-
sky, and have talked with him
about his plans to turn Hanau’s
huge abandoned U.S. army base
into a new city centre that sup-
ports that diversity.
And I know there is not only
unimaginable grief and horror in
Hanau today, but also a special
sort of fear.
The shooting massacre of at
least nine Hanau residents on
Wednesday night, reportedly at
the hands of a local man who had
become infected by online ideas
picked up from popular political
figures and commentators who
target religious and racial minor-
ities, brought that fear to the sur-
Hanau’s most famous
offspring, the Brothers Grimm,
knew something of that fear –
they portrayed it as a type of poi-
son, tempting to some, that trans-
forms troubled individuals but al-
so seizes kingdoms and organiza-
tions, leaving death and hatred in
its wake.
Hanau remembers this from

  1. By then, the toxin had
    seeped into many in the city,
    turning them into violent preda-
    tors who attacked their neigh-
    bours on racial grounds. On an in-
    famous day in 1938, a mob ram-
    paged through the town and set
    its main synagogue ablaze. Only
    then did the poison’s other form
    become fully apparent, when the

police and fire department
rushed to the scene only to save
adjacent, non-Jewish-owned
buildings from burning, enthusi-
astically allowing the synagogue
to burn to the ground.
This is not 1938. Unlike then,
only a sliver of people in this
prosperous western end of Ger-
many vote for parties of intoler-
ance today.
But that poison has been doing
its work. The day of the massacre,
German media reported that in-
vestigators had detained the lead-
er of an online community that
shared Nazi images and slogans
and discussed attacks on Mus-
lims, immigrants and minorities.
He was a 35-year-old police offi-

cial from Hesse, the state that
contains Hanau (he had moved
to Berlin last year).
Of the 50 members of the
group suspected of participating
in hate activities, Hesse officials
believed that at least 38 were po-
lice officers. A survey of 17,000
Hesse police officers this month
found that more than a quarter
believe the conspiratorial fallacy
that Germany would become “an
Islamic country.”
A week earlier, federal prose-
cutors staged raids in six states to
break up a nationwide terrorism
network described as neo-Nazi
that had been assembling a weap-
ons cache while planning attacks
on “politicians, asylum seekers

and people of Muslim faith.” The
group’s goal, according to federal
prosecutors, was to “shock and
ultimately overpower the state
and social order of the Federal Re-
public of Germany.” At least one
key figure in the group was a po-
lice official.
It’s the latest in a series of vio-
lent neo-Nazi and extreme-right
groups that appear to have infil-
trated the ranks of German police
and military. In Frankfurt, next
door to Hanau, five police officers
are being prosecuted for running
another online group that sent
death threats to lawyers repre-
senting victims of far-right terror-
ism, including a threat to “slaugh-
ter” the infant daughter of one

The ring called itself “NSU 2.0,”
a reference to a terrorist organiza-
tion, the neo-Nazi National So-
cialist Underground, that com-
mitted at least 10 killings and two
bombings mainly aimed at mi-
norities and immigrants, in a
spree that ended in 2011. Some of
the 100-odd people tied to the
NSU also had ties to police, mil-
itary and intelligence agencies.
In December, after a number of
military officers were suspended
for supporting extreme-right
groups or giving Hitler salutes,
federal officials announced the
creation of a “central office for
far-right extremists in the public
service” to investigate the many
cases of police, military and intel-
ligence officials caught in far-
right plots. Some say this office
has done little so far.
This was how the politics of
hate took over this country the
last time: It did not emerge in-
stantly as a mass political move-
ment, but crept up within the
ranks of the military and police,
and in packs of self-motivated
This time, there is a late-dawn-
ing recognition of the poison and
its powers. Chancellor Angela
Merkel called it exactly that –
“Racism is a poison, hate is a poi-
son,” she said on Thursday – and
her colleagues vowed that their
conservative Christian Democrat-
ic Union would never work with
the Alternative for Germany, a
party that, in the words of the
CDU leader, “tolerates right-wing
extremists and Nazis in its ranks.”
But, in Hanau and beyond,
there is a growing worry that
many of the people meant to
guard against such horrors are
now part of the problem.







ast month, France was
plunged into yet another bit-
ter debate about the incom-
patibility between the republican
values espoused by its secular
leaders and those of the country’s
rapidly growing Muslim popula-
tion. The trigger this time was a
video posted online by a teenage
girl who did not mince words in
depicting Islam as a religion un-
worthy of respect.
L’affaire Milasparked an online
war between the girl’s critics and
defenders. Politicians all the way
up to President Emmanuel Ma-
cron were soon forced to weigh in
after the 16-year-old whose video
started it all became the target of
violent threats and was pulled
out of school.
Few countries hold blasphemy
in as high regard as France. The
right to condemn and criticize
any religion, no matter how
crudely, has been protected since

the French Revolution of 1789.
But the risks associated with the
practice have never seemed as
high since a terrorist attack, five
years ago, on the offices of the sa-
tirical publication Charlie Hebdo
left 12 dead.
While the attack led to a global
“Je suis Charlie”movement in sup-
port of freedom of speech, it also
changed the way religion, espe-
cially Islam, is discussed in France

  • much to the chagrin of the
    French right, which has criticized
    Mr. Macron for being too politi-
    cally correct.
    So when Mr. Macron’s Justice
    Minister Nicole Belloubet sug-
    gested that Mila could be charged
    for “insulting Islam,” her boss, an-
    ticipating a backlash on the right,
    quickly moved to correct her.
    “The law is clear: We have a right
    to be blasphemous, to criticize, to
    caricaturize religions,” Mr. Ma-
    cron insisted. “What is prohibited
    is hate speech or an attack on
    [someone’s] dignity.”
    With two years left in his five-
    year mandate, and less a month
    before French voters go to the
    polls in municipal elections that

Mr. Macron’s République en
Marche will contest for the first
time, the President moved fur-
ther this week to neutralize crit-
icism from the right. In a speech
denouncing “Islamist separat-
ism” within France, Mr. Macron
criticized the isolationism of
some Muslim communities that
seek to live apart from broader
French society.
“The problem we have is when,
in the name of belonging to a reli-
gion, one wants to separate one-
self from the Republic, and there-
fore no longer respect its laws,”
Mr. Macron said in a speech in
Mulhouse, a city near the German
border that has seen an influx of
Turkish and North African immi-
grants in recent years. “In the Re-
public, we must never accept that
the laws of religion can become
superior to the laws of the Repub-
lic. It’s as simple as that.”
As part of a strategy to combat
Islamist separation, Mr. Macron
announced that imams sent by
foreign countries such as Turkey,
Algeria and Morocco would no
longer be allowed to preach in
French mosques.

A shortage of French-raised
imams has led the country’s five
million Muslims to increasingly
recruit spiritual leaders from
abroad, leading to charges of
proselytism by religious leaders
with no allegiance to the Repub-
lic. Henceforth, Mr. Macron said,
imams will need to be trained in
France by the state-sanctioned
French Council of the Muslim
The President also announced
the end of a long-standing pro-
gram to teach children of immi-
grants their parents’ language by
teachers from their home coun-
try. “I’m not comfortable with the
idea of having, in our public
schools, men and woman who
can teach without any control by
[France’s Department of] Nation-
al Education,” Mr. Macron said.
His speech coincided with a
battle being waged between Ma-
rine Le Pen’s National Rally (RN)
and the more centrist Les Répu-
blicains (LR) party for a spot on
the final ballot in next month’s
municipal elections. LR has tradi-
tionally fared better in local elec-
tions, but Ms. Le Pen’s party is

hoping for a breakthrough this
year that will serve as spring-
board to the presidency in 2022.
The RN Leader did not imme-
diately comment on Mr. Macron’s
speech. Rather, in a Twitter post,
Ms. Le Pen questioned whether a
woman in a niqab who was pho-
tographed near Mr. Macron in
Mulhouse had been arrested, “as
the law requires.” France prohib-
ited the wearing of face-coverings
in public in 2011. Ms. Le Pen’s
tweet seemed to imply that Mr.
Macron was not really not serious
about cracking down on Islamist
separatism at all.
Meanwhile, the president of
the Île-de-France region that in-
cludes Paris’s multiethnic sub-
urbs, Valérie Pécresse, went even
further in warning that Islamism
“does not just have separatism as
its objective, as [Mr. Macron]
says; it has an objective of taking
Ms. Pécresse, who quit Les Ré-
publicains last year to form her
own party, is also considering a
presidential run in 2022. The
theme of that election may just
have been decided this week.




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