Diane Arbus,Ayoungmanandhisgirlfriendwithhotdogsinthepark,N.Y.C.,1971. Gelatin silver print,
Sheet: 50.8 x 40.6 cm. Art Gallery of Ontario. Gift of Jay Smith, 2016. Copyright © Estate of Diane Arbus.
Supporting Sponsor Lead Support
Robin & David Young
Generous Support
Phil Lind & Ellen Roland
The Dorothy Strelsin Foundation
Owen Kydd and Sara Cwynar
Henie Onstad Kunstsenter
rom its own picturesque
home, perched on a head-
land in a tony Oslo suburb,
the Henie Onstad Kunstsenter
has set out to take stock of con-
temporary photography. The mu-
seum opened a new triennial fes-
tival on Feb. 21 with the mission
to showcase recent innovations
in camera-based art practices.
And among the 31 international
artists selected for the inaugural
edition rank two exciting home-
grown talents.
The work of Calgary-born, Los
Angeles-based artist Owen Kydd
chisels at the categorical wall sep-
arating video from photograph.
Sidling up to one of his screens,
you could mistake his contribu-
tions to the triennial for simple
snapshots. But what might ini-
tially appear like abstract photog-
raphy, collage or Xerox art is com-
plicated once you notice, for ex-
ample, the small lawn sign in the
corner of one work, flapping in
the wind. Or, in another, the mov-
ing reflection of passing cars in
the luxuriantly polished, deeply
deconstructed auto body of a
He is interested, he says, “in the
different ways cameras capture
time”: frozen, slowed, elapsed.
And how software allows us to re-
organize these. Kydd calls the
works “time collages.” His hybrids
feel like an exceedingly contem-
porary form – the cousin of gifs,
Boomerang videos and Live Pho-
tos. Meanwhile, triennial art-
works by Vancouver-born Sara
Cwynar consider the trade and
saturation of images experienced
everyday – both online and off.
Red Film, a watershed work for the
New York-based artist, makes a
dazzling montage from scenes of
dancers, flowers, consumer prod-
ucts and industrial manufacture,
flexing the seductive powers of
the ruby hue. Influenced by the
film, the triptych photograph 96
Pictures of Sophieshows the epo-
nymous Sophie, who models for a
well-known Montreal-based on-
line fashion retailer, recreating
the three poses the website uses
to display a garment. Over these
are collaged dozens of the thou-
sands of such photos of Sophie
that exist online. It is an over-
whelming mass of near-identical
images of one human being. And
the reality, increasingly, of not
just models, but anyone with a
Cwynar’s art reveals a culture
evermore deeply, maddeningly in
love with image. And for her out-
look, Henie Onstad curator Su-
sanne Ostby Saether calls Cwynar
“one of the most interesting pho-
tographers of the millennial gen-
Before you turn on your television,
iPad or laptop this weekend and
drown in options, The Globe and
Mail presents three best cinematic
bets that are worth your coveted
downtime – no commute to the
movie theatre required.
Well, it finally happened: the un-
paralleled Laura Dern won an Os-
car, her first, for her role as a sexy
divorce lawyer inMarriage Story.
It was a fine performance, but her
win felt symbolic, a statue for her
entire career, which has hit a ze-
nith in the past couple years. If
you’re new to the Dern-iverse, or
primarily associate her with Da-
vid Lynch orJurassic Park, I beg of
you: watchEnlightened. The HBO
comedy/drama that premiered
in 2011 stars Dern as Amy Jellicoe,
a corporate stooge-turned-whis-
tle-blower. Created by Mike
White, who also plays Amy’s
meek co-worker,Enlightenedis
gorgeous and multifaceted – the
rare series that manages to be se-
rious without being dark and
gloomy. The show kicks off when
Amy is sent to a corporate rehab
facility after suffering a nervous
breakdown, and upon her return
to the office (in a demoted posi-
tion), she stubbornly insists on
optimism and idealism in a plain-
ly soul-crushing work environ-
ment.Enlightenedis beautiful,
but it’s a heartbreaker.
Here’s another opportunity to
see a newly minted Oscar-winner
in a different light. Joaquin Phoe-
nix may have won for his bom-
bastic performance inJoker, but
his efforts in James Gray’s 2008
featureTwo Loversare far more
effective. The film centres on a
sad sack of a man named Leo-
nard Kraditor (Phoenix) who
lives with his parents in Brighton
Beach and works in his father’s
dry-cleaning store. Leonard clear-
ly has problems – the movie
opens with a suicide attempt –
but Gray declines to name them.
UnlikeJokerdirector and co-writ-
er Todd Phillips, Gray doesn’t put
mental illness in a frame. Instead,
it permeates the atmosphere of
Two Lovers, in which Leonard is
caught between two women –
the lovely brunette daughter of
his father’s business partner (Vi-
nessa Shaw), and the volatile
blonde who lives upstairs (Gwy-
neth Paltrow). Isabella Rossellini
is characteristically excellent as
Leonard’s sympathetic mother.
The film is like the anti-Joker:
What it lacks in fireworks and
fight scenes it makes up for in
All right, the Oscars are over.
Awards season is over. Democra-
cy is over – wait, this took a turn.
Seriously, though, folks, if your
outrage needs an outlet, plug it
right intoThe Good Fight.
A spinoff of the long-running
CBS dramaThe Good Wife, this
one centres on D.C. lawyer Diane
Lockhart (our lord and saviour
Christine Baranski) as she slowly
spirals into a paranoid rage. The
series, which premiered in 2017
and returns for a fourth season
sometime in the spring, kicks off
with Donald Trump’s inaugura-
tion, and it’s the rare show to
benefit from its explicit engage-
ment with real-life politics. Plot-
wise,The Good Fightis driven by
the addlebrained logic of the
Trump administration – it veers
and swerves into unexpected
places and rarely stops to catch
its breath. In one season, Diane
starts microdosing on psychedel-
ics; in another, she joins the #re-
sistance, literalized as a group of
female vigilantes. There are no
practical solutions here, but like a
good hallucinogenic, it’ll take the
edge off.
Lovers are far more