Time in current role: I’ve been part
of the Pooch Perfect dream team
for about six months, but it feels like
I’ve worked here my whole life.
How would you describe what
the company does? Much like
Disneyland, we make dreams come
true. We give pet stylists around the
nation a platform to show Australia
what they’ve got.
What do you do day to day?
Keep the bitches on track and
bring the laughs to set mainly.
All jokes aside, I give my doggy
critique to the pup styling that
happens in the show.
I got into television because...
the moment I knew I was born for
TV was when I was the only one at
doggy day care who was strutting
my stuff for people watching in
the window.
Who is your right-hand person?
Rebel Wilson is the ying to my
yang, Snoop to my Dogg, Lady
to my Tramp, but also the ever-
talented executive producers, Deb
Spinocchia and John Karabelas.
Whose job have you set your sights
on in the future? I’m aiming high,
to be one of the Queen’s dogs.
My favourite advert is: The Pooch
Perfect promo. So many good boys
and you can even spot yours truly.
My best trick is: The high-five.
People go barking mad for it.
Tell us one thing people at work
don’t know about you? I buried
a bone on set during filming.
I also auditioned to play Baxter in
Anchorman when I heard it involved
eating a wheel of cheese. Find me
on Instagram: @RussellTheBrussel.
We look at our furry
friends across the
advertising, adtech,
marketing and media
sector, shedding
light on these stars
and how they help
adland get results.
This month we speak
to Rebel Wilson’s
boss on Pooch Perfect,
Russell the Brussell,
at Channel Seven.
Seven’s star pooch
Expressions of Interest
Sponsorship Opportunities –
City of Sydney Events
The City of Sydney produces some of Australia’s largest and most successful events. It has a track
record of working with partners, to provide a platform to communicate, connect and engage with
millions of consumers every year.
We are inviting organisations to become event sponsors and partners to deliver high-profile events and
programs to the people of Sydney, Australia and the world.
Events and Programs include (but not limited to):
- Sydney Christmas
- Sydney New Year’s Eve
- Sydney Lunar Festival
- Sydney Rides Festival
- Visiting Entrepreneurs Program
- Lord Mayor’s Welcome to International Students
- Business Events & Programs i.e. Sustainability
and Retail
If you would like to sponsor a City event or partner with the City, please contact Joann Di Gesu on
02 9246 7245 or [email protected] for more information.
For more information call 02 9265 9333 or email [email protected] | cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au
Dog of the Month http://www.adnews.com.au | March 2020^9