“Creativity has played a key
role in Vegemite’s history, from
the invention of the product
itself, where leftover yeast was
used to create the nutritious and
delicious savoury spread Aussies
still love today, through to its rich
communications history,” says
Matt Gray, Vegemite senior mar-
keting manager.
“For Vegemite, creativity is
about capturing the essence of
Australia and being a part of
everyday Australian life.
“Vegemite works best when
the creativity is as iconic as the
brand itself and guides the entire
brand, not just the ads.”
The Vegemite brand started to
work with creative hot shop
Thinkerbell in 2018 and soon after
launched the ongoing Tastes Like
Australia brand platform.
Gray s ay s ever y t h i ng Ve gem ite
does mov i ng for wa rd w i l l be bu i lt
on this.
“Just like a jar of Vegemite is a
wonderful and unique mix of
ingredients, so is Australia,” he
says. “So our launch TV material
conveyed just that. It featured
everything from John Howard
stuffing up on the cricket pitch to
the ‘yes’ vote and everything in
“When we heard that Marmite
was handing out free jars during
The Ashes last year, we fired back
virtually overnight with a full-page
ad in the UK’s Daily Mirror
newspaper. This was perfectly
timed and written to ignite a media
storm which was talked about and
embraced across TV, radio, and
celebrities’ social channels.”
From introducing limited-edi-
tion Bartymite jars as a tribute to
Australian tennis star and brand
ambassador Ash Barty to inventing
the world’s first toast stencils,
innovative and creative ideas have
been the driving force to building
the iconic brand.
The essential
The Oxford English Dictionary
defines creativity as “the use of
skill and imagination to produce
something new or to produce art”.
Deemed as one of the top 10 skill
sets to have by the World Economic
Forum, creativity plays an impor-
tant role for the economy.
Vegemite toast
stencils and Ash
Barty’s limited-
edition “Bartymite”
are two of the iconic
brand’s recent
creative ideas.