Wake Up and Smell the Profit - 52 Guaranteed Ways to Make More Money in Your Coffee Business

(Wang) #1

John Richardsonby Hugh Gilmartin

I first met Johnnie when he was growing
what became at the time the largest
sandwich business in Ireland. I got to know him pretty well over
the years as he opened several new enterprises and I supplied him
with a lot of coffee in a number of diverse and award winning

As we progressed I discovered that, despite his business degree and
marketing qualifications, he had learnt everything he knew about
running food and beverage businesses not from textbooks but
from real experience. A lot of “real world” trial and error as well as a
fair few mistakes along the way. His advice was always based on
genuine experience – never from fancy theories.

As I started ‘modeling’ John’s advice with my customers, I began to
see just how much of what he said made sense and I started to
notice an improvement in their bottom lines. Much of the advice is
actually common sense, but the organised fashion in which it was
presented made an enormous difference. I began to realise that, in
the world of business, common sense was indeed uncommon.

John has been, and still is, involved in some of the most successful
sandwich & coffee bars, café’s, and turnkey consultancy projects in
Northern Ireland and is an expert in marketing and financial
business modeling. John currently spends most of his time helping
his international client base increase their profitability in their coffee
related businesses.

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