Wake Up and Smell the Profit - 52 Guaranteed Ways to Make More Money in Your Coffee Business

(Wang) #1

Hugh Gilmartinby John Richardson

When I first met Hugo fifteen years ago, he
was clearly so much more than just a
coffee salesman. His enormous passion
and knowledge about coffee meant that I immediately felt I wanted
him to be the man to supply me with a coffee “solution” for my own
business. His business has diversified over the years but he still
maintains an almost messianic passion for great coffee and always
couples this with a desire to help his customers make more money.

More than any other supplier I’ve come across in the hospitality
business, Hugh always has the customer’s needs foremost in his
mind. He knows that a lasting relationship can only be built by
focusing on what the customer wants and needs long term – not
the quick short-term sale.

This attitude means that he has now created what is comfortably
the largest coffee business in Northern Ireland. He has a team of
coffee specialists who have been with him for years and they
provide total coffee solutions to their diverse customer base. Like
Hugh, they pay obsessive attention to making what they sell taste

Hugh is well known in international coffee business circles. He
speaks at conferences in Europe & the US, and is a board member of
The Specialty Coffee Association of Europe.

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