Wake Up and Smell the Profit - 52 Guaranteed Ways to Make More Money in Your Coffee Business

(Wang) #1

20 .Wake up and smell the profit

Increasing customer spend by 10% can be as simple as raising
prices. But raising prices coupled with changing the way staff
communicate to them, offering larger sized coffees, selling more
food items with their coffee, second cups of coffee and so on could
very quickly see a much larger increase.

Getting your customers to visit more often can be achieved in a
variety of different ways. Converting that three visit a week
customer to four visits a week can be attained simply by making the
quality of your coffee so good that he can’t pass by your shop
without nipping in. Alternatively, you can try and persuade your
morning customers to try you for lunch or your afternoon
customers to try you in the morning. Maybe you can persuade your
weekday customers to visit at the weekend or all of your customers
to take food home or use
you for catering functions.
Whatever you decide to do,
the “Three Ways” rule gives
you an excellent basis on
which to plan and grow
your business.

Wake up to trying out
new ideas
“I don’t understand why people
are frightened of new ideas.
I’m frightened of the old ones.”
John Cage
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