Wake Up and Smell the Profit - 52 Guaranteed Ways to Make More Money in Your Coffee Business

(Wang) #1

Hugo – true story

In our coffee distribution business we have a
great reputation for delivering a quality
“total solution” product that includes coffee,
equipment, training, marketing and quality auditing. One day I
was asked by a significant volume customer to supply his group
exclusively with a quality coffee only as he had his own brewing
equipment. This appeared attractive in volume terms but I knew
it was going to be very difficult to control the brewing factors
and therefore the ‘in the cup’ taste quality. We discussed what
was required by both of us for several days.

After careful consideration I said no to his request because I
knew that he was going to use his new coffee to relaunch his
business and that we were never going to be able to get them to
take enough responsibility for making great coffee. A competitor
got the business and he launched a new coffee offer, but it was
just not good or consistent enough. The business was eventually
sold to one of my customers and we gained credibility because
we had said no to the original proposal. It’s important to learn
exactly what your market is and not try to be all things to all
people. Occasionally saying no is a crucial part of that.

30 .Wake up and smell the profit

backwards. Just accept this and don’t beat yourself up over the
problems that will arise but do deal with them. As fast, efficiently
and quickly as possible.

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