Wake Up and Smell the Profit - 52 Guaranteed Ways to Make More Money in Your Coffee Business

(Wang) #1

Johnnie – true story

I can clearly remember, at the age of 14,
standing with my brother discussing just
how much money the owner of the ice
cream café we worked in must be making. We reckoned he must
be making about a 70% net profit. Youthful naivety? Perhaps –
but only a little. I once asked the same question to more than
thirty mature members of staff who worked for me in our
sandwich bars. On average they reckoned we were keeping
nearly 50% of the cost of each sandwich sold.

34 .Wake up and smell the profit

forget you have to pay for until you end up with five to ten percent
of your muffin left. If you lost money last year then remove it all.
It’s an eye-opening sessionwhich helps explain the concept of
profit a heck of a lot more effectively than trying to show them a
profit and loss sheet.

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