Wake Up and Smell the Profit - 52 Guaranteed Ways to Make More Money in Your Coffee Business

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one day when she was there. I introduced her to him and we had
a pleasant chat.

After she had gone he said to me:

“Right, now you know how to use the Granny Rule.”

“Eh?” I replied, totally bemused.

“Treat every customer the same way you would treat your
granny. I saw the level of respect you offered her and the
obvious joy you felt at having her in your business. Deal with
every customer that way and you can’t fail.”

“Brilliant”, I said, truly getting the concept, “but what about my

He paused and looked at me like I wasn’t exactly the brightest
tool in the box. “Well, Mr. Fancy Degree boy, you just get them to
assume the customer is their granny!”

So that’s what I do. And every time I see a member of staff
treating a customer with an element of disdain or even a slightly
“off ” tone I ask them, “Would you speak like that to your granny?”

It’s a great and simple concept and incredibly powerful. I’ve yet
to find a single employee who didn’t immediately grasp it and
deal with customers better as a result. Try it.

56 .Wake up and smell the profit

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