Wake Up and Smell the Profit - 52 Guaranteed Ways to Make More Money in Your Coffee Business

(Wang) #1

32. Sell more coffee with

cake and more cake

with coffee. Up-selling

and cross-selling

We constantly meet clients who are uncomfortable with the whole
cross-selling concept – i.e. selling a complementary product with
their primary purchase. They feel that this is bullying the customer
into buying something they don’t really want. Usually this simply
isn’t the case. Very often the customer actually does want
something to eat with their coffee, but you just haven’t made it
easy enough to tip them over into a purchase.

Whether a customer is on a diet or not simply isn’t your concern.
You are in the business of providing fabulous coffee and delicious
food for them to “treat” themselves. If they want a health farm they
should go to a health farm – it is not your responsibility. You are
there to offer them the ability to treat themselvesfor a relatively
small amount of money. It is your job to make them leave your
shop a little happier and a little more perked up than they were
when they arrived. A little stronger and able to face the day ahead
or the long journey home. Don’t lose sight of this.

Ultimately the customer that comes into your shop and leaves
having had a delicious, perfectly made, cappuccino and a beautiful
tasty brownie is happier than the one who left having just a
cappuccino. Your job is to make them happy when they leave. If
they’re happy when they leave, they’ll come back.


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