
(Darren Dugan) #1


Almost the biggest robbery in the UK.



n May
2004, eight
planned to
steal £33m
in gold, cash
and gems
at Heathrow
Airport. It
would have
been the
robbery in
the UK. But it
didn’t quite go
according to plan.

On the morning of 17th May, the gang
made their way to the Swissport*
cargo zone at Heathrow Airport. Two
drivers were in the front, and the rest
of the gang were hiding in the back.
Security guards who were working
at the main entrance asked for some
ID. The gang had all the correct
paperwork, so the security guards
let them through. Then, the robbers
parked the vehicle near one of the
warehouses and waited.

A short time later, they decided to act.
The driver of the van reversed into
the warehouse, smashing
through the doors.
Immediately, the robbers
jumped out. They were
carrying batons, knives,
lumps of wood and hockey
sticks, and they threatened
staf with violence if they
didn’t cooperate. Once
they had the situation
under control, they started
loading the gold into the

But they weren’t alone.
Outside, more than 100
armed police oicers
were waiting to arrest the

gang. They’d been following the gang
after receiving information about the
robbery from an informant. When the
police stormed in a few minutes later,
the robbers were still loading boxes of
gold onto the van. In total,
they’d managed to load
ive boxes.

The police immediately
arrested the men, but
Steven (24)
and Martin
Nolan (30)
Martin –
who was
waiting in a car acting as lookout – led
the scene. Steven hijacked a nearby
lorry and forced the driver to take him to
his home in Wraysbury, Berks, where he
was later arrested.

Martin Nolan was later described as one
of the main plotters. He evaded capture
for two months,
and later denied
involvement in
the robbery. He
was found guilty
after a trial and
a 13-year sentence. His
brother was jailed for eight
and a half years. James Fox
(31) and Christopher Smith
(29) were the most senior
organisers of the attempted
robbery after Martin Nolan.
The judge sentenced
both men to eight years
in prison. The other gang
members were given
between six and seven
years each.

It was very nearly the
biggest robbery in British
criminal history. 

Have there been any famous robberies in your country? What happened? How much
was stolen? Are there any famous robbers from your country? Who are they? What
did they do? What are crime levels like in your country? What is being done about it?

Swissport is a company
that handles baggage
at airports. With a
workforce of some
22,000, Swissport
International Ltd.
provides ground services
for over 108 million
passengers and three
million tonnes of cargo
a year.

(^1) Pre-reading
Match the words (1 to 6) to the
deinitions (a-f ).

  1. Robber

  2. Driver

  3. Hijacker

  4. Judge

  5. Lookout

  6. Informant

Someone who...
a. ...decides how the law
should be applied during
a trial.
b. ...steals something.
c. the police information about a
d. ...checks to see that no one is watching,
or there are no police around.
e. ...drives a vehicle.
f. ...illegally takes control of a plane, ship
or vehicle.

(^2) Reading I
The article is about a robbery that went wrong. What do
you think happened? Think. Then, read the article once to
compare your ideas.
(^3) Reading II
Read the article again. Then, put the sentences in the
correct order.
a. The robbers reversed into the warehouse.
b. The police stormed into the warehouse.
c. The robbers drove to the Swissport
cargo zone.
d. Two of the robbers escaped.
e. The security guards asked them for
some ID.
f. The robbers loaded the van with gold.
(^4) Language focus
The Past Continuous
Look at the extract from the article on this page,
“...and the rest of the gang were hiding
in the back...” The writer has used the Past
Continuous (“were hiding”). Read through the article
again and ind some more examples of the Past
Continuous. Why is this tense being used?
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