
(Darren Dugan) #1


Unusual news stories from around the world.


N ̊ 214 2020



a refrigerated truck n
a large vehicle for transporting food
products that are frozen (very cold and
mostly ice)
an ice cube n
a small square of ice, often used in drinks
high-end adj
“high-end” bars (for example) are
expensive/exclusive bars that serve
rich clients
to damage vb
if you “damage” something, you break
it or part of it
a national monument n
something of historic or cultural
importance in a country
to shrink vb
if something “shrinks”, it becomes
to boost productivity exp
to increase the amount of work that is
done, or the number of products produced
an insurance company n
a company that pays you money if you
lose something / have a car crash, etc.
the loo n inform
the toilet
to go of phr vb
if an alarm “goes of ”, it starts to make a
a supervisor n
someone who manages or watches
over a group of workers in a company
to alert vb
if someone “alerts” you about a
situation, they tell you about it
criticism n
if A receives “criticism”, other people tell
A why they don’t like A
a violation of privacy exp
if there has been a “violation of
privacy”, someone interferes with your
personal life
a union n
an organisation that protects workers
and ights for their rights
a breach of exp
if there has been a “breach of ” an
agreement, the agreement has been
broken in some way
human rights n
the basic rights that people should
have: freedom on the basis of race/
religion; freedom of speech, etc.
to spend a penny exp inform
to go to the toilet

A man has been arrested in
Chile for a very unusual crime:
stealing 450 kilos of ice from
the country’s Jorge Montt
Glacier. Police caught the thief
as he was driving the stolen
ice away in a refrigerated
truck. So, what was the robber
planning to do with the
ice? Make a lot of ice cubes,
apparently. Reports say that
designer ice cubes are popular
in Santiago’s high-end bars
and clubs. And the stolen ice
had a street value of about
€4,500. As well as theft, the
man may also be charged
with damaging a national
monument. The Jorge Montt
Glacier, in Chile’s Patagonia
region, covers almost 500 km^2.
But due to climate change,
and now thieves, it’s shrinking
by about 25 metres a day.

Man arrested for unusual theft.

Checking your every move!

A Norwegian company has
found a new way to boost
productivity. Insurance
company DNB recently
told employees they aren’t
allowed to spend more
than eight minutes a day
in the toilet. If an employee
is in the loo for more than
that, an alarm goes of and
supervisors are alerted.
The new policy has attracted

lots of criticism. Norway’s
privacy regulator called it “a
major violation of privacy”.
And local unions have said
it’s a breach of employees’
human rights. This isn’t
the irst time a Norwegian
company has introduced
strict toilet controls. Another
irm made employees sign a
“visitors’ book” whenever they
needed to spend a penny.



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