
(Darren Dugan) #1


he “antonym” of a word is the
opposite of that word. For example,
what are the antonyms of these

  1. Easy

  2. Fat

  3. Tall

You probably said:

  1. diicult; 2. thin; 3. short.
    However, not all of antonyms are quite so
    straightforward. For example, what are the
    antonyms of “old” in these two sentences?

  2. I met an old man.

  3. I bought an old car.
    In number one, you’d probably say it was
    “young”; and in number two, you’d have
    to say “new” or “modern”. So, as you can
    see, some words can have more than one
    meaning... and more than one antonym.

Now, what would the antonym of these
words or expressions with “set” be?

  1. Can you set the table, please?

  2. We’ve set a date for our wedding.

  3. He set the house on ire.

  4. She was set free.

  5. The teacher set a lot of homework.
    As you can see, there are many expressions
    with “set”, and each one has a diferent
    meaning. So, in order to create opposites,
    we have to re-write the sentences/

  6. Can you clear the table, please?

  7. We’ve cancelled our wedding.

  8. He put out the ire.

  9. She was imprisoned.

  10. The teacher didn't give us any homework.

Other antonyms are what’s known as
“gradable antonyms”. For example, “hot” is
generally thought to be the antonym of
“cold”. But we could also use words such
as “warm, cool” and “tepid” to show the
degree of temperature. What gradable
antonyms can you think of for this
sentence? “I love Italian food.” You could use
any of the following:

a) I like Italian food.
b) I quite like Italian food.
c) I dislike Italian food.
d) I can’t stand Italian food.
e) I hate Italian food.
...and lots more besides.

Sometimes, we use suixes and preixes to
show opposites. So, with that in mind, what
are the opposites of the following words?

  1. Polite

  2. Accurate

  3. Responsible

  4. Necessary

  5. Selish

  6. Useful

Here are some possible answers:

  1. Rude / impolite

  2. Wrong / inaccurate

  3. Carefree / irresponsible

  4. Superluous / unnecessary

  5. Public-spirited / selless

  6. Futile / useless

As you can see, antonymy is quite
complicated. However, research into
language learning suggests that learning
antonyms is very useful. They help your
vocabulary to grow. You also learn “two
words for the price of one” because you get
one word and its antonym. And researchers
believe this makes remembering words


young! I’m old!

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ISSN 1577-7898
Depósito Legal M.14277.2001
March 2020
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This month’s word of the month is: antonym.


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