
(Darren Dugan) #1




o you drink a lot of cofee? Is it
afecting your sleep? If so, you
need Cafeine Zone, a new app for
the iPhone. You simply tell the app when
you drink a cup of cofee, and the app keeps
track of how much cafeine there is in your
bloodstream. Then, an alarm goes of if the
cup of cofee you’re about to drink will make
you feel sick
or keep
you awake
at night. It
also works
for tea and

scientists who
designed the app
say they hope it
will “help consumers learn to use cafeine
products more

Fun fact
After oil, cofee is the most
traded product in the world.



Caffeine App

Language Genius

Language focus Nouns from verbs
Look at this extract from an article in this section, “But owner Jon Basso has refused”. The
writers has used the noun “owner”. This word comes from the verb “to own”. We can form
many nouns from verbs by simply adding -er at the end of the word. For example:
To rob = a robber To ski = a skier To ride = a rider To play = a player To speak = a speaker
Can you think of any more examples?


lex Rawlings is only 20 years old, but
he speaks 11 languages. The Oxford
student recently won a competition
to ind the UK’s most multilingual student.
So, how did he learn so many languages?
Well, it all started when his mother, who
is half-Greek, spoke to him in Greek,
English and French when he was young.
He learned other languages (such as
German and Russian) at school. And he
taught himself the rest. So, what advice
does he have for language learners? He
suggests learning languages in context
(reading articles, watching TV series,
listening to songs, etc.) instead of
just memorising lists of words or
doing grammar exercises. Watch Alex
speak all 11

a menu n
a list of the food that is served in a
bypass (surgery) n
a medical operation that is performed
on the heart
a slice n
a thin piece of bread, etc.
a slogan n
a short phrase that describes what a
product is
to die for exp
if something is worth “dying for”, it is
very good
a heart attack n
if someone has a “heart attack”, their
heart starts beating irregularly or
simply stops beating at all
to survive vb
if someone “survives” a dangerous
situation, they don’t die
to promote vb
if A “promotes” B, A makes B more
an owner n
the person who “owns” (possesses /
has) something
to refuse vb
if you “refuse” to do something, you
say that you won’t do it
fries n US
long, thin pieces of fried potato.
“Chips” in British English
to sink vb
if a ship “sinks”, it goes under the
a helmsman / helmsperson n
the person on a ship who controls the
helm/wheel (the object you hold in
your hands and move in order to turn
the ship)
an iceberg n
a large piece of ice that is loating
in the water. Most of it is under the
to spot vb
to see/notice
to panic vb
if people start to “panic”, they lose
control and act quickly and without
an app n
a small program that you can put on
your mobile phone in order to play
a game, etc.
to keep track of exp
if you “keep track of ” something, you
monitor it and follow its progress
cafeine n
a substance found in cofee and tea.
It is a stimulant that can make you
feel excited
bloodstream n
the low/movement of blood in your
to go of phr vb
if an alarm “goes of ”, it starts making
a sound
to keep you awake exp
if something “keeps you awake”, it
stops you from sleeping
traded adj
“traded” goods are bought and sold
multilingual adj
if someone is “multilingual”, they can
speak several languages
advice n
information about how to do
to memorise vb
if you “memorise” something, you
learn it so you can remember it
a list n
a “list” of names (for example) has a
lot of names written with one name
under the other

Fun fact
A person who speaks several
languages luently is a “polyglot”;
a person who speaks six or
more languages luently is a



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