notes to pages 304‒311 421
supplied with American comforts that helped boost morale. Woodward,
State of Denial , 288, 336; Ricks, Fiasco , 338–41, 416–18; Woodward, Wa r
Within , 4–5; Stephen Benedict Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and
Presidential Leadership,” Political Science Quarterly 125 (4) (2010–2011):
557–85, at 560–61, 564.
- Ricks, Fiasco , 167–68; Dyson, “‘Stuff Happens,’” 339–40.
- Ricks, Gamble , 58; Woodward, State of Denial , 393.
- Dyson, “‘Stuff Happens,’” 341.
- Woodward, State of Denial , chap. 8; Dyson, “‘Stuff Happens,’” 336.
- Woodward, State of Denial , 418; Woodward, War Within , 31–33, 36–38;
Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presidential Leadership,” 563.
- Ricks, Fiasco , 407–8; Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presiden-
tial Leadership,” 560, 576.
- Ricks, Fiasco , 413–14; Woodward, State of Denial , 471–72.
- Woodward, State of Denial , 260, 326.
- Woodward, War Within , 28.
- Woodward, State of Denial , 397–98.
- Woodward, War Within , 93–94. Th e White House had let it be known that
Bush studied Cohen’s book before the invasion of Iraq. Ricks, Gamble , 19.
- Woodward, State of Denial , 319, 483; Woodward, War Within , 4.
- Woodward, State of Denial , 306, 367–68.
- Dyson, “‘Stuff Happens,’” 342.
- Andrew Bacevich, “He Told Us to Go Shopping. Now the Bill Is Due,”
Washington Post , October 5, 2008,
- John Frendreis and Raymond Tatalovich, “Riding the Tiger: Bush and
the Economy,” in Ambition and Division: Legacies of the George W. Bush
Presidency , ed. Steven E. Schier (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh
Press, 2009), 224.
- Th is was part of a broader post-9/11 partisan polarization on foreign
policy. Jack Snyder, Robert Shapiro, and Yaeli Bloch-Elkon, “Free
Hand Abroad, Divide and Rule at Home,” paper presented at the 2007
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, August
30–September 2, 2007, 15.
- As late as 2005, 81 percent of Republicans believed Saddam Hussein had
possessed WMD before the invasion. Snyder, Shapiro, and Bloch-Elkon,
“Free Hand Abroad, Divide and Rule at Home,” 21–22.
- Hess, Presidential Decisions for War , 2nd ed., 270.
- Ricks, Gamble , 13.
- Woodward, State of Denial , 423.
- Th e credibility parallel was not entirely coincidental: Bush met regularly
to discuss the war with Henry Kissinger, who gave his particular—and
misleading—spin on how the United States had failed in Vietnam.
Woodward, State of Denial , 408–9.