Elusive Victories_ The American Presidency at War-Oxford University Press (2012)

(Axel Boer) #1
notes to pages 304‒311 421

supplied with American comforts that helped boost morale. Woodward,
State of Denial , 288, 336; Ricks, Fiasco , 338–41, 416–18; Woodward, Wa r
Within , 4–5; Stephen Benedict Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and
Presidential Leadership,” Political Science Quarterly 125 (4) (2010–2011):
557–85, at 560–61, 564.

  1. Ricks, Fiasco , 167–68; Dyson, “‘Stuff Happens,’” 339–40.

  2. Ricks, Gamble , 58; Woodward, State of Denial , 393.

  3. Dyson, “‘Stuff Happens,’” 341.

  4. Woodward, State of Denial , chap. 8; Dyson, “‘Stuff Happens,’” 336.

  5. Woodward, State of Denial , 418; Woodward, War Within , 31–33, 36–38;
    Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presidential Leadership,” 563.

  6. Ricks, Fiasco , 407–8; Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presiden-
    tial Leadership,” 560, 576.

  7. Ricks, Fiasco , 413–14; Woodward, State of Denial , 471–72.

  8. Woodward, State of Denial , 260, 326.

  9. Woodward, War Within , 28.

  10. Woodward, State of Denial , 397–98.

  11. Woodward, War Within , 93–94. Th e White House had let it be known that
    Bush studied Cohen’s book before the invasion of Iraq. Ricks, Gamble , 19.

  12. Woodward, State of Denial , 319, 483; Woodward, War Within , 4.

  13. Woodward, State of Denial , 306, 367–68.

  14. Dyson, “‘Stuff Happens,’” 342.

  15. Andrew Bacevich, “He Told Us to Go Shopping. Now the Bill Is Due,”
    Washington Post , October 5, 2008, http://www.washingtonpost.com/

  16. John Frendreis and Raymond Tatalovich, “Riding the Tiger: Bush and
    the Economy,” in Ambition and Division: Legacies of the George W. Bush
    Presidency , ed. Steven E. Schier (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh
    Press, 2009), 224.

  17. Th is was part of a broader post-9/11 partisan polarization on foreign
    policy. Jack Snyder, Robert Shapiro, and Yaeli Bloch-Elkon, “Free
    Hand Abroad, Divide and Rule at Home,” paper presented at the 2007
    Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, August
    30–September 2, 2007, 15.

  18. As late as 2005, 81 percent of Republicans believed Saddam Hussein had
    possessed WMD before the invasion. Snyder, Shapiro, and Bloch-Elkon,
    “Free Hand Abroad, Divide and Rule at Home,” 21–22.

  19. Hess, Presidential Decisions for War , 2nd ed., 270.

  20. Ricks, Gamble , 13.

  21. Woodward, State of Denial , 423.

  22. Th e credibility parallel was not entirely coincidental: Bush met regularly
    to discuss the war with Henry Kissinger, who gave his particular—and
    misleading—spin on how the United States had failed in Vietnam.
    Woodward, State of Denial , 408–9.

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