Elusive Victories_ The American Presidency at War-Oxford University Press (2012)

(Axel Boer) #1

422 notes to pages 311‒316

  1. Woodward, State of Denial , 424; Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and
    Presidential Leadership,” 565.

  2. Woodward, War Within , 89. By August 2005 Bush’s approval rating fell to
    38 percent, and only 34 percent approved of his handling of the war. Hess,
    Presidential Decisions for War , 2nd ed., 272–73. In November 2005, Bush’s
    approval rating in an NBC News/ Wall Street Journal poll was down to
    38 percent favorable and 57 percent unfavorable. Woodward, State of
    Denial , 421.

  3. Ricks, Gamble , 58–59.

  4. Jordan Tama, “Th e Power and Limitations of Commissions: Th e Iraq
    Study Group, Bush, Obama, and Congress,” Presidential Studies Quarterly
    41 (1) (March 2011): 135–55.

  5. Woodward, State of Denial , 481.

  6. Woodward, War Within , 76.

  7. Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presidential Leadership,”

  8. Woodward, War Within , 81.

  9. Woodward, War Within , 64, 72.

  10. Woodward, War Within , 7.

  11. Dobbins, “Who Lost Iraq?” 62–63; Owens, “Rumsfeld, the Generals, and
    the State of U.S. Civil-Military Relations,” 70; Ricks, Gamble , 38–39.

  12. Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presidential Leadership,”

  13. Ricks, Gamble , 41–42; Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presiden-
    tial Leadership,” 572; Woodward, War Within , 71, 108, 189–90, 193.

  14. Woodward, War Within ; Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presi-
    dential Leadership,” 571.

  15. Woodward, War Within , 235.

  16. Ricks, Gamble , chap. 3; Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presi-
    dential Leadership,” 571; Woodward, War Within , 129ff.

  17. Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presidential Leadership,” 568.

  18. Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presidential Leadership,” 570.

  19. Th is solution was promoted by Leslie Gelb, Peter Galbraith, and Demo-
    cratic Senator Joe Biden, at the time also a presidential aspirant. Dyson,
    “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presidential Leadership,” 566. See also
    Galbraith, End of Iraq , chaps. 10–11; Woodward, State of Denial , 481.

  20. Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presidential Leadership,” 567.

  21. Tama, “Power and Limitations of Commissions”; Dyson, “George W.
    Bush, the Surge, and Presidential Leadership,” 573–74.

  22. Dyson, “George W. Bush, the Surge, and Presidential Leadership,”

  23. Woodward, War Within , 316.

  24. George W. Bush, “President’s Address to the Nation,” January 7,
    2007, http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/

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