Barron\'s - April 6 2020

(Joyce) #1

22 BARRON’S April 6, 2020

from emergency rooms are being re-

deployed to help respiratory patients,

while doctors from the clinics are go-

ing to work in the wards. Idle spaces

around the hospital are being swal-

lowed by the yawning need for

Covid-19 beds. “The second we need

more space, we take over an infusion

center, we take over the [postanesthe-

sia care unit],” Carr says.

The first North American city to

feel the full weight of a Covid-19 out-

break, New York has scrambled to

meet the challenge. Gov. Andrew

Cuomo of New York, who has called

the state’s experience a “microcosm”

of what awaits elsewhere in the

nation, expects the worst of the out-

break to hit by early May.

For cities outside of New York still

waiting their turn with the virus, epi-

demiologists and physicians at the

heart of the fight in New York have

clear advice: be aggressive about social

distancing. Have extra hospital beds,

tools, and supplies ready. Find places

to put patients when they get out of

the hospital. And start talking about

who gets help, and who doesn’t, when

resources run out.

“There’s no way to overprepare for

this,” says Dr. Neil Schluger, a profes-

sor of epidemiology, environmental

health sciences, and medicine at the

Columbia University Medical Center,

who has been treating Covid-19 pa-

tients for the past two weeks. “The

volume really is overwhelming.”

New York City’s own preparation

for the pandemic came in stutter-

steps. By the time Mayor Bill de Blasio

announced on March 15 that he would

close the city’s public schools, there

were already 329 confirmed cases and

five deaths attributed to the virus in

the five boroughs. The state had

banned large gatherings three days

earlier, effectively shutting down

museums and Broadway theaters.

The lockdown started in earnest on

March 16, when the state closed all

movie theaters, gyms, and restaurant

dining rooms. Restrictions ratcheted up

from there, until the governor shut all

nonessential businesses on March 22.

For New York City, it wasn’t

enough. De Blasio now says the city

will need 65,000 new hospital beds

by the end of the month. Cuomo said

on April 2 that the state would run out

of ventilators—machines needed to

keep desperately ill Covid-19 patients

alive—by April 8.

The brunt of the illness has, so far,

disproportionately fallen on the poor-

est New Yorkers. Confirmed cases

span the city, but are most dense in

neighborhoods outside Manhattan.

Residents in Brooklyn report constant

ambulance sirens.

In downtown Manhattan on Thurs-

day morning, at an hour when waves

of commuters should be emerging

from the subways, elbow to elbow,

clutching coffee cups and iPhones,

there were only delivery men on bikes

and a few pedestrians in masks. The

governor that afternoon said the virus

could kill 16,000 New Yorkers. So far,

2,935 have died statewide.

New York does have some advan-

tages in confronting the virus that

other cities won’t have, including a

dense concentration of sophisticated

hospitals and geographical attributes

that make it easy to bring aid.

“Places like Colorado can’t have a

Navy ship sail in to provide additional

beds,” says Charles Branas, a profes-

sor of epidemiology at Columbia’s

Mailman School of Public Health.

Still, New York’s successes and

failures in handling the virus should

help prepare cities across the country

and the world that have yet to see

large numbers of Covid-19 cases.

“Implement social distancing

measures rapidly—sooner rather than

later—and try to implement them in

large degrees, as opposed to incre-

mentally,” Branas says.

He pointed to the San Francisco

Bay Area, where six counties shut

down all at once on March 17, in

contrast to New York’s staggered

approach, and where the growth in

new cases appears to have moderated.

That message hasn’t made its way

across the entire country yet, but more

states are falling in line, with Florida

and Georgia ordering their own state-

wide lockdowns on April 1 and 2,

respectively. Still, more outbreaks are

coming, and doctors in New York say

that hospitals around the country

must get ready.

“Hospitals should be thinking

about how they can safely use as

much space as they possibly can in

their hospital,” says Columbia’s

Schluger. It is not just ventilator sup-

plies that will be stretched to their

absolute limit. Drugs used to sedate

intubated patients may run low. Many

Covid-19 patients go through renal

failure and need to be supported by a

type of specialized dialysis machine.

“How are you going to dialyze 10

times the number of patients, perhaps,

that you usually have to dialyze in a

single day?” Schluger says. “Medica-

tions people are using, that we use all

the time in the ICU, but because we

have maybe five times the number of

ICU patients as we normally have,

these medicines are going to be in

short supply.”

The particular nature of the dis-

ease, the unusual length of time it

takes to get really sick, is compound-

ing the problem of hospital shortages.


no way to


for this.

The volume


is over-


Dr. Neil Schluger

New York Gov.
Andrew Cuomo
speaks to the media
at New York City’s
Javits Center, which
is being converted
into a hospital to
help treat patients
infected with the

Mount Sinai’s Carr says that patients

often look better than they actually

are, and then their condition suddenly

deteriorates. “You’ve got to watch

them longer than you think you’ve got

to watch them,” he says. The recovery

period, too, is long. That means that

people linger in the hospital, taking up

beds needed by fresh patients.

“Think about where you’re going to

put these people when they’re better-

ish, but not better,” Carr adds. “If you

continue to keep them in the hospital,

they’re going to box out the people

who are behind them.”

In New York, state officials ordered

nursing homes on March 25 to accept

Covid-19 patients released from hospi-

tals, according to a report in The Wall

Street Journal.

“They’re scared, and I understand

why they’re scared,” Carr says of the

nursing homes. But hospitals need

space for new patients.

Hospitals and public officials are

working to keep the Covid-19 wards

from running out of ventilators by

digging up unused units and figuring

out hacksto repurpose other devices.

But those efforts might be exhausted


And early data, largely from

overseas, show that many Covid-19

patients who are put on a ventilator do

not survive.

Carr says that families should talk

through end-of-life options: “The last

person who should be making this

decision is me, for a person I’ve never

met, late at night.”

As ventilator availability runs out,

hospitals and health officials need to

offer clarity about how rationing deci-

sions will be made. “If that comes to

pass, then it will be important for

public health officials and hospitals to

communicate very clearly with the

public about how that’s going to work,”

says Columbia’s Schluger. “Nobody

wants to be in that position at all.”

Amid all of the grim realities, there

is some hope. The doctors in New

York are learning a tremendous

amount about how to treat Covid-19,

both through clinical experience and

drug trials. A high volume of patients

means that trials can move forward

far quicker than under normal


“It’s hard to be optimistic,”

Schluger says. “I’m an optimist by

nature. I’m hopeful that in the next

several weeks, [from] all these clini-

cal trials, something will pop up

that’s positive.”B Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images

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