Bloomberg Businessweek USA 03.16.2020_

(Darren Dugan) #1


whhen Covidvid-


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wroteinhisbookonnthatepidemic,AAJJ of

thePlagueYear. “Theirh hands uld infe e


Flummoxed aa o beb

revising battle pll lookloo at

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contained in the U.S s the nuumbmberber ofber ofrr of

cases was skyrocket ef p fflopppping

and promising too s t “ p eer of tthe

federal governmm ” sewhe Chinnna’s

measures may haa quire p ccce state

forenforcement,bb tstop ttalyfrrrom

lockingdown theeentirecountry.

How will we lookkk back on all of this? It wwwill

depend on how badd bbbusineeess

changingplans?Whaat e sssonalllly?

TheLostYear,aswe’recc ecccialissssue

of the magazine, is less abouta GDP reeevisiooons

thanamajor disturbancettot our daily life.

Therearestillmanyquestioion CovidCovidd-1 9 .-19.

We havesome answers.

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