The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1
mid-September in the Midwest, for
best effect in wreaths.
other maintenance Plants are
very invasive. As tempting as it is to
grow this plant in the perennial border
for the wonderful silver foliage, it isn’t
advisable. Best given a bed by itself
where it can run and be used for
cutting and yet will not take over the
rest of the world. Some gardeners are
experimenting with new commer-
cially available barriers. Also, with its
tendency to flop, it can do so in peace if
given its own out-of-the-way space.
Plants may rot in excessively moist
soils or in regions with high humidity.
If grown in the border, plants will
require frequent (annual) lifting and
dividing in the spring or autumn to
control spread.
related plantS Artemisia ludovici-
ana ‘Silver Queen’ has foliage that is
slightly less dissected. It is a fast
spreader as well. ‘Valerie Finnis’, when
sheared (with hedge shears) by half in
early June, grew to 15 in. tall at
maturity. Plants sheared by half in
June and again in mid-July formed a
nice 8- to 12-in.-high groundcover,

compared to the flopping 3-ft.-high
unpruned plants. Plants did not bloom
under either pruning regimens. Some
claim it is not invasive, although it is
for me even in clay soil.

Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’
‘Powis Castle’ artemisia
Finely cut silver foliage; insignificant
flower heads
2–3 ft. high; 3–4 ft. wide
Full sun
Blooms August–September
Zones 5–8
pruning Little quart-size plants can
become specimens that are 3 ft. high
and wide in the first season, which
creates much excitement. Pinch
before planting if leggy. Do not prune
in the autumn, but in early spring,
plants can be cut back to control
height and width. Make certain to not
cut back too hard into the old wood, as
this may kill the plant. Allow buds to
start to break before pruning to
provide a helpful reference point as to
how far back to cut. Do not cut into

Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’

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