The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1
since sporadic flowering usually
occurs into summer, before any major
heat sets in, even without pruning.
Flowering lasts longer in regions with
cooler summers. Sporadic rebloom
may occur again as the cool weather of
autumn returns. Deadheading
prevents seeding, but seedlings are
easily removed and, especially in a
woodland setting, may be welcome.
Deadleafing is needed in the summer if
plants dry out. Plants that get infected
with mildew should be cut back to the
base to prevent further infection.
Remove and destroy pruned parts.
Plants unaffected with mildew do not
need pruning for the winter; clean up
in the spring if needed.
other maintenance
Low-maintenance woodland or shade
garden plant. Prefers moist,
well-draining soil, but I have had good
luck with golden-star in fairly dry
shade locations, although rebloom is
reduced. Plants may survive overwin-
tering in zone 4 if given a winter mulch
or consistent snow cover. Easily
divided in late spring.
related plantS Cultivars of
golden-star flower longer than the
species. Chrysogonum virginianum
‘Alan Bush’ and ‘Mark Viette’ are
long-blooming cultivars of choice.

Chrysopsis villosa
(see Heterotheca villosa)

Clematis heracleifolia
blue tube clematis

Blue flowers; coarse green leaves
3 ft. high; 4 ft. wide
Full sun–part shade
Blooms August–September
Zones 3–9
pruning Clematis heracleifolia, tube
clematis, is somewhat woody in
nature. Prune back hard in early
spring to only a couple of nodes for
more compact growth. The variety
davidiana is more herbaceous. Cut to
the ground in early spring. Pinching

plants when they are 12–15 in. tall can
help control flopping. Deadleafing is
needed to remove scorched leaves if
plants dry out in the summer. Prune
back as needed to keep blue tube
clematis in its own space. Deadheads
turn into cottony seedheads that are
best allowed to remain.
other maintenance Requires
support, and pea staking is the
recommended method. Flourishes in
moist soils that are alkaline to slightly
acidic, with high organic matter.
Mulch to provide cool soil.

related plantS Cultivars of
Clematis heracleifolia such as ‘Cassan-
dra’ and ‘China Purple’ share the
woody nature of the straight species
and should be treated similarly.
Clematis integrifolia is a solitary
clematis—beautiful in bud, flower,
and fruit. It benefits from light
cross-staking May through June and in
the autumn. A crowd favorite!



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