The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1
area with good air circulation, espe-
cially in humid climates.
related plantS Clinopodium
grandiflorum ‘Variegata’, with
white-flecked foliage, is more popular
than the species. It’s shorter and less
vigorous than the type. Prune out
all-green reversions as soon as they
appear, or they may take over. If
allowed to self-sow, this selection will
likely produce variegated seedlings.

Clinopodium nepeta
lesser calamint

Clouds of dainty white or pale blue flowers;
Small fragrant gray-green leaves
Blooms July–October
12–18 in. high; 12–18 in. wide
Full sun
Zones 5–7

pruning Lesser calamint flowers for
a long period even without deadhead-
ing. If plants do look spent or
unshapely in late summer, tidy them
up with hedge shears; flowering will
resume about 6 weeks later if weather
permits. Plants bloom until hard
frost—often until November in mild
climates. Lesser calamint sometimes
reseeds; shear in early September
before seed set if this is a problem.
This species is frequently short-lived,
however, and volunteer replacements
are usually welcomed. Leave plants
standing over the winter and cut back
any remaining dead top growth in
early spring.
other maintenance This
unassuming perennial isn’t over-
whelming in flower, but it makes a
useful filler, edging, or container plant
and boasts an exceedingly long bloom
time. Lesser calamint flourishes in
well-drained soil on the dry side and is
drought tolerant once established.
related plantS ‘White Cloud’ and
‘Blue Cloud’ are popular selections.
‘Montrose White’ is a sterile form.

Coreopsis grandiflora

Golden-yellow flower heads; narrow green
leaves on bushy plants
2–3 ft. (2/3–1 ft.) high; 1 ft. wide
Full sun
Blooms June–August
Zones 4–9
pruning Tickseed needs daily
deadheading. Cut the entire flowering

Clinopodium grandiflorum

Clinopodium nepeta

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