The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1
Cutting back in the autumn after
several killing frosts may be desirable.
other maintenance ‘Wargrave
Pink’ requires well-draining soil. It
prefers moist soil in areas with hot
summers, although it’s fairly adapt-
able to short periods of dry conditions.
It can tolerate more sun and drier soil
in cooler climates. This geranium
seldom needs dividing, but if desired,
divisions can be easily taken by
reaching into the plant and separating
pieces from the main crown in spring
or autumn.
related plantS Geranium ×oxonia-
num ‘Claridge Druce’ is similar, while
‘A.T. Johnson’ is more vigorous and
free flowering and is also better
adapted to dry situations. ‘Katherine
Adele’ has leaves attractively mottled
with bronze. Pruning is as described,
although in warmer climates plants
may be semi-evergreen and hold up
well for the winter.

Geranium macrorrhizum
bigroot geranium
Pink or white flowers; palmately lobed
gray-green leaves with scarlet autumn color
12–15 in. high; 18 in. wide
Full sun–full shade
Blooms May–June
Zones 3–8
pruning Bigroot geranium doesn’t
require cutting back like so many of its

relatives do. Deadheading is all that’s
needed to keep it looking good, and
this work is a treat, as brushing against
the foliage causes it to emit its
pungent scent. The foliage of this
evergreen to semi-evergreen plant
remains an attractive gray-green with
tints of scarlet-red at the junction of
stem and leaf throughout most of the
winter. Don’t prune it back in the
autumn, but in early spring simply cut
off any dead foliage that developed
from a harsh winter. Will readily
self-seed if permitted, which along
with the natural spreading habit of
this plant can create a pleasant
groundcover effect. If this effect is
desired, do not deadhead until seeds
have dropped. Plants are drought
tolerant, but some leaves may yellow
by late summer with prolonged
periods of dry conditions. A quick
deadleafing will return the plant to its
fresh appearance. It displays beautiful
autumn foliage color.
other maintenance This is a
good low-maintenance geranium and
is very easy to grow. It is tolerant of
drought and heat. The stoloniferous
roots seldom need dividing. Geranium
macrorrhizum can tolerate full sun in
cooler climates.
related plantS Geranium ×canta-
brigiense ‘Biokovo’ is a wonderful
groundcover for dry shade that only
requires deadheading to keep it

Geranium endressii
‘Wargrave Pink’

Geranium macrorrhizum

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