The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1

of a good axe and saw. If growth
progresses before division is accom-
plished, plants should be cut back by
about a third.
Pests are usually not a major
problem for grasses. One pest that has
become a concern on miscanthus
plants is mealybug. Mealybug is very
difficult to control, and digging out
and destroying infested plants is the
most common recommendation. Do
not compost infested plant material.
Rust can occur under certain condi-
tions in the spring; if rust develops,
prune off infected leaves as soon as
they appear. This may even involve
shearing the plants to within a few
inches of the ground.
detailS Achnatherum calamagrostis
(zones 5–8) is a cool-season grower
to 3 ft. It struggles in areas with high
humidity and warm night tempera-
tures and flops in rich, moist soils;
a mild Mediterranean climate suits it

best. The plumes remain showy
all winter and the foliage is evergreen
where winter temperatures aren’t
too severe. Calamagrostis ×acutiflora
‘Karl Foerster’ (zones 5–9) is a
cool-season grower to 6 ft. It blooms in
late spring, but the spikes remain
ornamental well into winter. This
feather reed grass doesn’t set viable
seed. ‘Karl Foerster’ tolerates part
shade; variegated varieties like
‘Overdam’ require afternoon shade.
Calamagrostis arundinacea, formerly C.
brachytricha, (zones 4–9) reaches 4 ft.
and blooms in September. It also
tolerates part shade. Fluffy plumes
remain showy until late December and
are a lovely red-violet when they
emerge, maturing to a wheat color in
autumn. Plants may reseed.
Sedges (Carex spp.) are cool-season,
mostly low-growing, grasslike plants.
Many are evergreen or semi-evergreen
in mild areas, such as C. buchananii,

(clockwise from top left)
Pennisetum alopecuroides
‘Hameln’; Muhlenbergia
capillaris; Calamagrostis
×acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’
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