The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1

Crepe paper–like flowers; gray-green
narrow leaves
6–12 in. high; 12–18 in. wide
Full sun–part shade
Blooms May–June
Zones 5–7
pruning In the early spring, before
flower formation, plants may benefit
from a light trim to create denser
growth. Plants should be sheared by
about a third and shaped after
flowering to maintain form. They may
benefit from a heavy shearing every
2–3 years down to about 6 in., or lower
for shorter forms, if they have gotten
leggy. Heavy shearing will return the
plant to a vigorous condition. All

heavy pruning should be completed by
mid- to late August so that these
subshrubs can harden for winter.
Plants are evergreen—do not prune for
the winter.
other maintenance Good
drainage is absolutely essential.
Prefers rocky, dry, alkaline conditions
with cool summers and mild winters.
Avoid overly rich soil. Grit can be
added to heavy soil at planting to
improve water movement. Plants are
shallow rooted and should be mulched
with evergreen boughs to reduce frost
heaving and winter desiccation. Avoid
planting or dividing in autumn. Divide
every 4–5 years in the spring if needed.
related plantS The Helianthemum
cultivars ‘Ben Heckla’ and ‘Rose Queen’
perform well in heat. ‘Fire Dragon’
grows to 6 in tall and spreads, produc-
ing red-orange blooms in May and June.

Helianthemum nummularium
‘Fire Dragon’

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