The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1
when they have declined enough.
Plants need deadleafing if they get too
dry over the summer. Evergreen
foliage usually holds well over the
winter; deadleaf or shear off tattered
leaves, if needed, in the spring.
other maintenance Prefers rich,
organic, alkaline, moist soil for best
performance. Moist soil conditions
help to keep plants blooming, though
well-draining soil is essential for
overwintering. Fluctuating winter
temperatures causes frost heaving.
Plant coralbells in spring to allow
them to establish themselves before
winter, and mulch them after the
ground freezes to moderate winter soil
temperatures. Division often is needed
every 3 years in the spring. Plants may
get woody at the base, lifting the
crowns up; top-dress with organic
matter to keep crowns in contact with
the soil. Provide afternoon shade in
hot regions and avoid drought.
related plantS Heuchera san-
guinea ‘Firefly’ and ‘Splendens’ have

bright red flowers, while ‘Snow Angel’
has deep pink flowers over
white-splattered green foliage.

Heuchera villosa
hairy alumroot
Small, creamy white flowers; large,
triangularly lobed, hairy green leaves
2 ft. high; 2 ft. wide
Full sun to part shade
Blooms August–September
Zones 4–9
pruning This species blooms
relatively late in the season, so
deadheading isn’t needed. Deadleaf or
shear off any damaged leaves or old
flower stalks in early spring.
other maintenance Like
Heuchera sanguinea, H. villosa prefers
rich, organic, alkaline, moist soil and
benefits from winter mulching to
prevent frost heaving. It may also
require division every 3 years in the
spring. This species is considerably

Heuchera sanguinea

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