The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1
Hypericum calycinum
St. John’s wort
Large yellow flowers; evergreen leaves
15–18 in. high; 24 in. wide
Full sun or part shade
Blooms June–August
Zones 5–9
pruning Plants are evergreen to
semi-evergreen, depending on the
climate, although leaves are often
battered by winter weather. Plants

have a tendency to become straggly
and twiggy if neglected. They benefit
from a shearing down to 6–10 in. every
year or two in the early spring to
remove winter damage, improve
density, and keep vigorous. Removing
any crowded, weak, or dead branches
at this time is also beneficial.
other maintenance A stolonifer-
ous groundcover for dry, sunny, or
partly shaded locations. Flowering is
reduced if the shade is too great.
Plants can be invasive and may require
sections to be dug out to maintain
control every 2–3 years in the spring or
autumn. Good for bank stabilization.
Benefits from part shade and moister
conditions in southern gardens.

Iberis sempervirens
evergreen candytuft

White tufts of flowers cover entire plant;
narrow evergreen leaves
6–12 in. high; 24 in. wide
Full sun
Blooms April–May
Zones 3–9
pruning Yearly, plants should be cut
back by half after flowering to keep
them full and compact. This can be
easily accomplished with hedge shears
or by grabbing a handful of stems at a
time and cutting with hand pruners.
Such pruning takes care of deadhead-
ing at the same time. Plants quickly fill
in to form an evergreen mound that
holds through the growing season and
the winter. Some damage may occur in
severe winters. Prune off damaged
sections in the spring, if necessary.
other maintenance
Well-draining soil is essential to
survival, particularly over the winter.
A good rock garden perennial. Avoid
areas with high winds and strong
afternoon sun in the winter if consis-
tent snow cover is not reliable, as
plants will quickly desiccate. Mulch-
ing with evergreen boughs can help
alleviate the damage in such locations.
Division is seldom necessary, as plants
form a subshrub growth habit. Stems

Hypericum calycinum

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