The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1
Inula helenium
Shaggy yellow flowers on tall stalks; huge
oblong basal leaves
3–7 ft. high; 3 ft. wide
Full sun–part shade
Blooms June–July
Zones 3–7
pruning This big, bold perennial is
the star of the border during its main
bloom time in June and July, but after
flowering its foliage often yellows and
turns brown and crispy on the
margins. Deadleafing may give the
plant some semblance of dignity to
carry it through the rest of the season.
Deadheading may also be employed to
help preserve foliage quality by not
allowing precious energy to go to seed
production, and it may extend the
bloom period as well. Cut plants down
in fall—or earlier, if their raggedness
is too much of a distraction. Those
who appreciate a natural, free-spirited
look in the garden, however, may well

enjoy the presence of the tall, dark
stems and seedheads over the winter.
other maintenance Elecampane
is a rugged plant that survives with
little care, but it needs plenty of
moisture and a deep, rich soil to really
thrive. Irrigate well and top-dress with
a shovelful or two of compost after
deadheading to help the plant
maintain healthy looking foliage. In
some years it may be easier to front the
plants with bushy annuals to hide the
declining foliage. Areas graced with
cool summers produce the best
specimens. Inula helenium flowers
most prolifically in full sun but will
accept part shade. In exposed sites
sturdy stakes may be called for, as the
tall stems can lodge in strong winds.
Divide plants in spring or fall if
performance declines or if more plants
are desired.
related plantS Inula magnifica
‘Sonnenstrahl’ is a scene-stealer that
has striking jumbo-sized flowers with
long, drooping ray petals. Plants can
reach 8 ft. tall.

Inula helenium

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