The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1

Ligularia dentata
bigleaf ligularia

Yellow-orange daisylike flower heads; large,
rounded leathery leaves
3–4 ft. (3 ft.) high; 4 ft. wide
Full shade–part shade
Blooms July–September
Zones 4–8
pruning Deadheading doesn’t seem
to do much to prolong the bloom of
this perennial, but some gardeners may
elect to remove the spent flowers so
they don’t detract from the attractive
foliage. Ligularia often is grown solely
for the lovely tropical feel provided by
the foliage. Prune off flower buds if
desired. I like the brown heads that
develop, and they usually come late in
the season when brown is a more
accepted part of the perennial garden.
They also hold well for the better part
of the winter and are attractive to the
goldfinches. The foliage often turns to
mush, so I normally cut it off before
winter. Deadleafing is necessary if
plants dry out.
other maintenance Moist to wet
conditions are necessary to keep the

leaves from wilting in midday heat.
Even in wet conditions, high summer
temperatures can cause wilting. One
of the few perennials that should be
bagged to keep moisture around the
roots. After digging the hole for the
plant, line it with a plastic garbage bag,
poke a couple of holes in the bottom of
the bag, backfill with high-organic soil,
and plant. This procedure improves
the success rate with ligularia even
with short periods of dry conditions.
Plants seldom require division; if
desired, perform in the spring. Favored
by slugs.
related plantS Ligularia dentata
‘Britt Marie Crawford’ is an amazing
dark chocolate–maroon selection with
rounded leaves and violet undersides.
It is the only cultivar I’ll use in my
Ligularia stenocephala ‘The Rocket’
offers deadheads that are attractive to
birds, but in some cases deadheads left
on the plant may cause decline of the
old foliage. If deadheads are removed,
new purple-tinted leaves emerge and
the old foliage holds nicely for the
remainder of the season.

Ligularia dentata
‘Britt Marie Crawford’
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