The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1

Liriope spicata
creeping lilyturf

Small pale violet to white flowers; grasslike
leaves; blue-black fruit
8–12 in. high groundcover
Full sun or shade
Blooms August
Zones 4–10
pruning Do not deadhead; the
blue-black berrylike fruit that follow
the flowers are attractive and can
persist into early winter. Foliage is
evergreen into midwinter and usually
browned by early spring. Shear down

or mow to the ground in spring for
fresh new growth.
other maintenance This is a
tough, low-maintenance, adaptable
plant that can be used as a ground-
cover, as well as for erosion control in
dry shady areas. Tolerates root
competition from trees. Can be
planted in the sun, but scorching of
the foliage may occur, particularly in
southern regions. Stoloniferous habit
is too invasive for the perennial
border—if planted in such a site,
creeping lilyturf will quickly turn into
a high-maintenance perennial! Divide
in the spring if needed.

Liriope spicata
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