The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1
Origanum ‘Kent Beauty’
‘Kent Beauty’ ornamental oregano
Long-lasting papery pink, cream, and pale
green bracts; rounded gray-green leaves
with white stripes
6–8 in. high; 12–18 in. wide
Full sun
Blooms July–September
Zones 5–8
pruning This hybrid oregano
(Origanum rotundifolium × O. scabrum)
boasts a long season of color, as the
large bracts remain colorful even after
the tiny light purple blooms inside the
flowering structure are spent. No
pruning is needed until plants show
life in the spring; at that point cut the
stems down to the new growth. Don’t
trim plants after August or winter
hardiness may be compromised.

other maintenance While ‘Kent
Beauty’ is the showiest of the orna-
mental oreganos, it is also one of the
most exacting in its requirements. It
must have well-drained soil, particu-
larly during winter dormancy; amend
heavy soils before planting. Provide a
sunny site for this heat lover—even a
site in full-on baking sun where other
plants fry is quite all right. However,
high heat coupled with high humidity
spells trouble, and performance in the
Deep South is usually poor. Water
regularly during the 1st year, then hold
off on supplemental irrigation except
during prolonged dry spells. Mulch
with gravel rather than with a
moisture-conserving organic mulch of
wood chips or bark. In zone 5, ‘Kent
Beauty’ should be planted in spring to
give it plenty of time to put down a
good root system before winter.

Origanum ‘Kent Beauty’

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