The Well-Tended Perennial Garden The Essential Guide to Planting and Pruning Techniques, Third Edition

(Sean Pound) #1

Bed PreParation: insurance for success 35

earthworm populations, which create a truly living, or biologically active, soil.
Research throughout the United States has shown that most composts, if applied
properly and at recommended rates, can reduce the incidence of many
soil-borne diseases. This is due to the ability of composts to support beneficial
microbes that suppress disease-carrying microbes. Finally, high levels of organic
matter in the soil can reduce compaction and erosion and can buffer against
toxic substances present in some soils.
The type of organic matter to use depends on soil type, local availability,
economics, practicality of application, and personal preference. It is important
to know the nutrient content of the organic matter. Any organic amendments
should be tested before use. If you obtain compost from a soil company, the
company should provide information on the nutrient content, pH, percentage of

Today, more than 15 years after
planting, the back gardens at
Hiddenhaven have flourished
because of proper bed
preparation and adequate
organic matter being added to
the gardens right from the
beginning. Organic matter is
continually added with each
new planting and topdressing
occurs every 5 years or more as
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