Chicago Tribune - 24.02.2020

(coco) #1

6 Chicago Tribune|Arts+Entertainment|Section 4|Monday, February 24, 2020

Today’s birthday(Feb. 24): Advance pro-
fessionally by leaps and bounds this year.
Strong collaboration produces excellent
results. Winter team victories come before
a breakdown with someone beloved; career
changes redirect you toward fun, family
and romance. New domestic directions lead to blossoming
professional opportunities. Prioritize matters of heart.
Aries(March 21-April 19): Today is a 7. All is not as it appears.
Quietly wait for developments. Consider long-term conse-
quences. Actions taken now can have long-lasting impacts.
Taurus(April 20-May 20): 8. Your social status is rising.
Expand your territory. Your recent work reflects you well.
Invest into a shared dream. Collaborate for long-lasting com-
munity benefit.
Gemini(May 21-June 20): 9. Set your professional goals high.
More is possible. Take new ground. Expand with discipline
and determination. Fortune amplifies your own commit-
ment levels.
Cancer(June 21-July 22): 8. Launch an educational adven-
ture. Use what you’re learning to benefit family and friends.
Make long-distance connections and reach a wider circle.
Leo(July 23-Aug. 22): 9. Everything seems possible. Friends
help you make an important connection. You can get the
funding to empower a shared venture. File papers, contracts
and applications.
Virgo(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 8. Listen to your partner’s perspec-
tive for a wider view. You’re learning quickly. Support each
other with the tasks at hand. You’re a powerful team.
Libra(Sept. 23-Oct. 22): 9. Your physical performance seems
energized. Practice your moves. Give it your all. Build upon
strong foundations. Imagine perfection and then go for it.
Scorpio(Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 8. Relax and have fun with people
you love. Make plans and schedule future connections. Imag-
ine delightful encounters and set them up. Light candles.
Sagittarius(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): 7. Focus on home and family
matters. The neighborhood provides what you need. Reno-
vate and repair with help from your local community.
Capricorn(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): 9. Get your message out. Make and
share powerful connections. Greater impact is possible. Take
advantage of a beneficial development. Your story has legs.
Aquarius(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): 8. A lucrative venture benefits
from your attention. Provide excellence. Plug a financial
leak. Look at what you have from another perspective.
Pisces(Feb. 19-March 20): 9. A personal dream beckons. You
can see the road to take. Adapt as you go. Overcome old fears.
Arespected mentor inspires action.

— Nancy Black, Tribune Content Agency

DilbertBy Scott Adams

Baby BluesBy Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott

ZitsBy Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

Mr. BoffoBy Joe Martin

FrazzBy Jef Mallett


The Argyle SweaterBy Scott Hilburn


BlissBy Harry Bliss Classic PeanutsBy Charles Schulz

PicklesBy Brian Crane

Dick TracyBy Joe Staton and Mike Curtis

Animal CrackersBy Mike Osbun

Prickly CityBy Scott Stantis

Here are the answers to the weekly quiz:

Q.1—Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:
South West North East

1 ♦ Pass 1 ♠ Pass

2 ♣ Pass 3 ♠ Pass


What call would you make?
A.1—Partner’s bid is invitational, so give up on slam. The choice
is between 3NT and 4S. We like 3NT but we have no strong
objection to 4S.

Q.2—North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold:
South West North East

1 ♥ Pass Pass 2 ♥*


*Spades and a minor, at least 5-5
What call would you make?
A.2—You have a nice hand, but you’re out-gunned. Give it up.

Q.3—East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:
♠ 95 ♥K107♦Q74♣KJ732
Partner opens 1D and right-hand opponent overcalls 1S. What
call would you make?
A.3—Double, what else?

Q.4—Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:
♠AJ843♥ 73 ♦J94♣J82
Partner opens 1H and right-hand opponent overcalls 2C. What
call would you make?
A.4—This is close between pass and a negative double. We
like double.

— Bob Jones
[email protected]

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