Los Angeles Times - 05.03.2020

(Chris Devlin) #1


■■■ ELECTION 2020 ■■■

publicans’ aggressive cam-
paign to reclaim some of the
California congressional
seats they lost in 2018 saw
mixed results in Tuesday’s
primary, showing how diffi-
cult it might be to regain a
foothold as the state trends
toward Democrats and vot-
ers with no party preference.
Based on early results,
Republican candidates are
ahead in two of the seven
House districts they lost in
2018, including former Rep.
David Valadao, who is look-
ing to make a comeback in
the Central Valley’s 21st Dis-
trict, and Young Kim, a Ko-
rean American former mem-
ber of the state Assembly, in
Orange County’s 39th Dis-
But the GOP’s preferred
candidates are poised to
land on the November ballot
in just three of the four dis-
tricts the party has specif-
ically targeted to win back.
And in the three other of the
seven lost districts, Republi-
cans didn’t coalesce around
a single candidate.
Of course all the tallies
are only preliminary and
could change dramatically
in the coming weeks as hun-
dreds of thousands of mail
ballots are counted across
the state.
In 2018, those mail-in bal-
lots skewed heavily to
Democrats, in many cases
erasing early Republican
margins and ultimately
handing the seat to Demo-
Republicans blamed
their 2018 losses on Demo-
crats’ strategy of collecting
mail-in ballots from sup-
porters, such as at nursing
homes, and dropping them
off at polling places, which is
legal under a 2016 California
law. At the time, Republi-
cans criticized the practice
as shady. But this time
around they’ve acknowl-
edged that they need to
build their own operation in
order to effectively compete
and have vowed to do so.
The final results from
Tuesday’s primary, once
completed, will offer the first
glimpse of how effective that
GOP ballot collection cam-
paign was.
University of the Pacific
political scientist Keith
Smith said the practice,
sometimes known as ballot
harvesting, normally works
best when it is organized by a
respected local group, like a
church or community cen-
ter. Historically it works best
in groups that tend to vote
for Democrats, he said.
“Outside of evangelical
churches, I just don’t know
where the groups are that
could do that for Republican
voters,” he said.
Republicans have vowed
to improve their ground
game for 2020. Early last
year, the national Republi-
can campaign arm hired a

state director — Orange
County native Sam Spencer
— to lead its comeback oper-
ation. The state party has re-
cruited 17,000 volunteers to
build relationships with
likely voters in their commu-
nities and collect their bal-
lots in the fall.
Kyle Kondik, managing
editor of Larry Sabato’s
Crystal Ball at the Uni-
versity of Virginia Center for
Politics, a nonpartisan elec-
tion handicapper, warned
against reading too much
into Tuesday’s results, espe-
cially with so many ballots
still to be counted.
“Some of the initial re-
sults may seem promising
for Republicans right now,
but let’s wait until all the bal-
lots are in to make any as-
sessments,” Kondik said.
The most competitive
race in California will likely
be Valadao’s bid to regain
the seat he lost to Rep. TJ
Cox by just 862 votes.
On paper, the 21st Dis-
trict’s high Latino popula-
tion and double-digit Demo-
cratic voter registration ad-
vantage has long made it
look like it should be a
Democratic stronghold, but
Valadao easily held the dis-
trict for years until Cox eked
out a win in 2018.
“He’s got the name recog-
nition and the relationships
in the district where he
might be able to pull it off,”
Smith said. “I think he
stands a chance of getting it
And Cox’s first 14 months
in Congress have been
marked with reports by the
Fresno Bee of a series of fi-
nancial problems, including

most recently that the Inter-
nal Revenue Service has tak-
en out a nearly $145,000 lien
against him for unpaid
In Orange County, Re-
publicans appear to have
gotten their top choices —
both Korean American
women — in two other com-
petitive races.
In the 48th District,
Democratic Rep. Harley
Rouda of Laguna Beach
looks likely to face Republi-
can Orange County Supervi-
sor Michelle Steel. And in
the 39th District, early re-
turns have Democratic Rep.
Gil Cisneros of Yorba Linda

trailing Kim, whom he beat
in 2018 by 7,611 votes.
Steel and Kim are among
Republicans’ top recruits
this cycle and have demon-
strated impressive fundrais-
ing abilities for challengers.
While fundraising isn’t a
guarantee of support, it can
scare away strong challeng-
ers. Two of the freshmen
Democratic representatives
in hotly contested districts,
Rep. Josh Harder in the 10th
District and Rep. Katie
Porter in the 45th District,
are both strong fundraisers.
That’s dampened Republi-
can enthusiasm to take
them on, said Nathan Gon-

zales, publisher of Inside
Elections, a nonpartisan
campaign newsletter. Hard-
er is one of the top freshman
fundraisers in the country.
“It will be an expensive
proposition for Republicans
if they want to take him on,”
Gonzales said.
Still, early returns show
Harder with just a marginal
lead against Ted Howze, a
Turlock veterinarian who
came in third in the 2018 pri-
Porter, who has drawn
national attention for her ag-
gressive witness question-
ing as a member of the pow-
erful House Financial Serv-

ices Committee, has nearly
50% of the counted votes,
and early returns have her
facing off against Mission Vi-
ejo Councilman Greg Raths.
Political watchers were
expecting her rival would be
Laguna Hills Mayor Donald
Sedgwick, who raised the
most money among the
crowded Republican field
and earned some big-name
In the 49th District, Rep.
Mike Levin faces Republi-
can Brian Maryott, the may-
or of San Juan Capistrano
and the eighth-place fin-
isher in the 2018 primary.
The first test of whether
Republicans can reclaim
one of these seats comes in
the special election to re-
place Democrat Katie Hill in
the 25th District. Hill re-
signed in December amid al-
legations of sexual relation-
ships with campaign and
Capitol Hill staff, the later of
which is a violation of House
ethics rules. She denied the
affair with a congressional
staffer and blamed the alle-
gations on her estranged
Former Rep. Steve
Knight, the Republican who
was ousted in 2018 by Hill, is
running third. Though re-
sults are still incomplete,
Democratic Assemblywom-
an Christy Smith of Santa
Clarita and Republican de-
fense contractor Mike Gar-
cia seemed poised for a May
runoff to represent the
northern suburbs of Los An-

Times staff writer Jennifer
Haberkorn in Washington
contributed to this report.

GOP’s comeback sees mixed results

Republicans ahead in

two of the California

House seats they lost

in 2018. Will it last?

By Sarah D. Wire

FORMERRep. David Valadao, left, of California’s Central Valley with Republican colleagues in the U.S. Capitol in June 2018. Valadao is
leading in his bid to regain the seat he lost to TJ Cox by just 862 votes. It’s considered the most competitive congressional race in the state.

J. Scott ApplewhiteAssociated Press

EARLY RETURNSshow Orange County Republican Young Kim, seen in 2018,
leading Democratic Rep. Gil Cisneros. Kim lost to Cisneros in 2018 by 7,611 votes.

Genaro MolinaLos Angeles Times

Justice John G. Roberts Jr.
issued a rare statement
Wednesday to rebuke Sen-
ate Minority Leader Charles
E. Schumer for what Rob-
erts called “threatening”
and “dangerous” state-
ments directed at the two
justices named by President
Trump. The president soon
weighed in as well, with a
The chief justice was re-
sponding to a widely circu-
lated video of Schumer, a
New York Democrat, speak-
ing at a rally outside the
court as the justices, includ-
ing Neil M. Gorsuch and
Brett M. Kavanaugh, were
hearing arguments in a ma-
jor abortion case.
Turning as if to address
the court and the justices,
Schumer said: “I want to tell
you, Gorsuch, I want to tell
you, Kavanaugh. You have

released the whirlwind, and
you will pay the price. You
won’t know what hit you if
you go forward with these
awful decisions.”
Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
were confirmed by the Sen-
ate in Trump’s first two

years, despite opposition
from Schumer and his fellow
Later in the day, after
conservatives had excoriat-
ed Schumer for hours on so-
cial media, Roberts issued
his statement quoting

Schumer’s words and noting
that the Democrat had cited
two justices by name.
“Justices know that criti-
cism comes with the terri-
tory, but threatening state-
ments of this sort from the
highest levels of government

are not only inappropriate,
they are dangerous,” Rob-
erts said. “All members of
the court will continue to do
their job, without fear or fa-
vor, from whatever quarter.”
About two hours later,
Trump wrote on Twitter:
“This is a direct & danger-
ous threat to the U.S.
Supreme Court by Schumer.
If a Republican did this, he
or she would be arrested, or
impeached. Serious action
MUST be taken NOW!”
Justin Goodman, a
spokesman for Schumer,
said the senator’s comments
“were a reference to the po-
litical price Senate Republi-
cans will pay for putting
these justices on the court,
and a warning that the jus-
tices will unleash a major
grass-roots movement on
the issue of reproductive
rights against the decision.”
He noted that Roberts
did not speak out last week
after Trump criticized Jus-
tices Sonia Sotomayor and
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, both
nominated by Democratic
presidents, as biased. The
president did so in a tweet
and at news briefing while he
was in New Delhi, without of-
fering specifics.

“I just don’t know how
they cannot recuse them-
selves for anything Trump
or Trump-related,” he told
Sotomayor had issued a
solo dissent in a case a few
days earlier that criticized
her conservative colleagues
for frequently granting the
administration’s emergency
appeals, clearing the way for
disputed regulations to take
effect. She did not criticize
Trump or his administra-
tion directly, but conserva-
tive news outlet described
her comments as an attack
on the administration.
Schumer’s spokesman
added: “For Justice Roberts
to follow the right wing’s de-
liberate misinterpretation of
what Sen. Schumer said,
while remaining silent when
President Trump attacked
Justices Sotomayor and
Ginsburg last week, shows
Justice Roberts does not
just call balls and strikes.”
By that last phrase,
Goodman was tweaking
Roberts, who in his Senate
confirmation hearing in 2005
famously compared the job
of an impartial judge to that
of an umpire calling balls
and strikes.

Chief justice denounces ‘threatening’ remarks

CHIEF JUSTICEJohn G. Roberts Jr. responded to a video of Sen. Charles E.
Schumer calling out Justices Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh.

Jabin BotsfordGetty Images

Roberts is upset by a

Democratic senator’s

statements about two

conservative justices.

By David G. Savage

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