Los Angeles Times - 05.03.2020

(Chris Devlin) #1


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warplanes carried out an
airstrike against Taliban
fighters in southern Af-
ghanistan on Wednesday,
just days after the two sides
signed a tentative peace
agreement that now seems
at risk.
The U.S. planes targeted
militants in Helmand prov-
ince who were assaulting a
checkpoint held by the
Afghan army, according to
Col. Sonny Leggett, a mili-
tary spokesman in Kabul.
He called it a “defensive
strike” to aid an ally, the
Afghan government.
“We are committed to
peace. However we have the
responsibility to defend our
... partners,” Leggett said in
a tweet. Taliban fighters “ap-
pear intent on squandering
this [opportunity] and ig-
noring the will of the people
for peace.”
The incident under-
scored the fragility of the
U.S.-Taliban agreement.
Heralded by President
Trump, who is determined
to end the war in an election
year, the accord calls for the
withdrawal of American
troops from Afghanistan
within 14 months and for the
Taliban and the Afghan gov-
ernment, which was not a
party to the accord, to hold
talks this month on a cease-
fire and a final settlement of
the nearly 2-decade-old con-
That blueprint appears
threatened by the resur-
gence in violence and other
festering disputes. Chief
among them is whether
Afghan President Ashraf
Ghani will release as many
as 5,000 Taliban prisoners

before the talks begin, a Tali-
ban demand that Ghani has
so far rebuffed.
The U.S.-Taliban accord
calls on both sides and the
Afghan government to avoid
conflict, continuing a pause
in violence that began as a
confidence-building step a
week before the agreement
was signed in Doha, Qatar,
on Saturday.
But Taliban leaders ap-
pear to have decided that
Trump is so eager to bring
the 12,000 American forces
home that he will not pull
out of the deal as long as the
militant group confines its
attacks to Afghan govern-
ment forces.
On Monday the group’s
leaders ordered their fight-
ers in a letter to resume at-
tacks on the government
forces, but not to attack U.S.
and other foreign troops.
Taliban fighters carried out
43 attacks on the Afghan
army on Tuesday alone,
Leggett said. The airstrike
Wednesday was the first U.S.
attack in 11 days, he added.
In Kabul, Gen. Austin
“Scotty” Miller, the top U.S.

commander, had told re-
porters Tuesday that the
planned peace process “is
fragile if the Taliban are not
going to lower violence.”
Otherwise, he added, “it’s
hard to have an agreement.”
Trump has not specified
the conditions under which
he might slow or halt the
planned withdrawal. The
U.S. is planning to begin
pulling out troops soon, tak-
ing its force level down to
8,600 by early summer. All
remaining U.S. forces, along
with 8,000 foreign troops and
tens of thousands of con-
tractors, are to leave the
country by May 2021.
Suhail Shaheen, a Tali-
ban spokesman, said Tues-
day that the militant group
was committed to the agree-
ment but called on the U.S.
and the Afghan government
to observe it as well.
“The Islamic Emirate, ac-
cording to the plan, will im-
plement all parts of the
agreement one after another
to prevent the intensity of
war,” he said in a tweet Tues-
day. “The other side must
also remove the barriers to

the implementation of all
parts of the agreement.”
The attacks came just a
day after Trump spoke with
a top Taliban leader by
phone about ending the war
in Afghanistan. It was the
first known direct contact
between an American presi-
dent and the fundamental-
ist Islamic movement in the
19 years since U.S. troops en-
tered the country after the
terrorist attacks of Sept. 11,
Trump confirmed that he
spoke with Taliban political
leader Mullah Abdul Ghani
Baradar only after the group
first announced the call. The
Taliban sheltered Osama
bin Laden before the terror-
ist attacks, and have killed
more than 2,400 U.S. soldiers
since the war started nearly
two decades ago.
“They’re looking to get
this ended, and we’re look-
ing to get it ended,” the pres-
ident said after telling re-
porters, “We had a very good
conversation with the leader
of the Taliban today.”
He implied there may
have been previous con-

tacts. When asked whether
it was the first time he had
spoken with the Taliban,
Trump said, “I don’t want to
say that.” The contact was
another sign of rehabilita-
tion for a group that im-
posed a harsh version of Is-
lamic law in Afghanistan be-
fore its 2001 ouster by the
U.S. and its NATO allies.
The Taliban subsequently
was treated as an interna-
tional pariah until it became
clear the group could not be
defeated militarily.
Trump said he planned
to meet with Taliban leaders
soon, but provided no de-
tails. He also appeared
to give the group a green
light to undertake attacks
against unspecified terror-
ists: “We’ll be very much
hoping that they will be do-
ing what they say they’re go-
ing to be doing: They will be
killing terrorists. They will
be killing some very bad peo-
ple. They will keep that fight
In September, Trump
planned to invite Baradar
and other Taliban leaders
to Camp David to finalize
a peace deal, but he called
off the meeting after a
U.S. soldier was killed in
Afghanistan. To reporters
Tuesday, he appeared to
suggest that the U.S.-
backed Afghan government
was the obstacle to finalizing
a peace agreement.
“We’ll have to see about
the country itself, but the
country has got to get it
ended,” he said.
Ghani’s government, ex-
cluded from the talks be-
tween U.S. and Taliban ne-
gotiators, now is deeply
nervous that the Trump ad-
ministration is intent on
forcing it to share power
with the hated Taliban,
which has caused tens of
thousands of Afghan casu-
Trump did not mention
Ghani, but he suggested he
got along well with Baradar.
“The relationship is very

good that I have with the
mullah,” he said.
As president, Trump fre-
quently has spoken of U.S.
relations with other nations
in terms of his personal rap-
port with their leaders, and
his comment was reminis-
cent of previous statements
of warm feelings for Ameri-
can adversaries. He has said,
for example, that he and
North Korean leader Kim
Jong Un “fell in love.”
Trump has repeatedly
promised to bring troops
home from overseas war
zones and has long sought
an international agreement
with multiple adversaries,
openly hoping it might se-
cure him the Nobel Peace
Prize to match the one
awarded to then-President
“Other presidents have
tried and they have been un-
able to get any kind of an
agreement,” Trump said.
Obama, however, insisted
that any talks with the Tali-
ban had to be led by the
Afghan government, a policy
that was abandoned by
Trump — angering Ghani
and his government.
According to the Taliban
account of the call between
Trump and Baradar, they
spoke for more than half an
hour and discussed women’s
rights and the possible re-
lease of Taliban prisoners
held by the U.S.-backed gov-
ernment in Kabul.
“I’m glad to talk to you,”
Trump told Baradar, in the
Taliban account. “You are
strong people and you have a
great country and I know
you are fighting for your
Baradar, who is known as
a relative moderate in the
militant group’s leadership,
said the U.S. and the Taliban
could have “positive bilat-
eral relations in the future” if
the U.S. abides by the agree-
The White House, in a lat-
er statement, did not dis-
pute the Taliban account.

U.S. strikes Taliban days after peace accord

AFGHAN forces guard an army outpost after a Taliban attack in Kunduz prov-
ince. The U.S. said it struck back in defense of its ally — the Afghan government.

AFP/Getty Images

American warplanes

target fighters

assaulting an Afghan

army checkpoint.

By David S. Cloud

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