Life Bookazines - Bob Dylan - 2020

(coco) #1


The problem was: That wasn’t how he saw himself, and
he was about to let his fans know it.
In interviews, he began to sound contrarian at best and
often crackpot. We will dwell in our next chapter at a lit-
tle more length on his classic, super-surrealistic Playboy
interview of 1966—still ranked by New York magazine at
Number One on its list of Ten Most Incomprehensible Bob

Dylan Interviews of All Time—but suffice for now: Dylan
began publicly denying the mantle that had been thrust
upon him, regardless of the fact that he had so assiduously,
even cunningly, campaigned for that mantle. He didn’t
write “message” songs, he insisted, and he didn’t speak for
any generation. His new cantankerousness was unappeal-
ing to say the least. Many defenders would get used to it

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