Life Bookazines - Bob Dylan - 2020

(coco) #1


relied on her for the kind of guidance one might seek from
an occultist; Sara would suggest when it was propitious to
travel, and when it wasn’t. Lynn Musgrave was a music jour-
nalist living in Woodstock, and knew Sara. She told Shelton,
“She is not Mother Earth in the heavy way, but she just rolls
with nature. She has a low center of gravity, if not quite inde-
structible, then something close to it. That is what it must
take to sit up there in Woodstock, being married to Dylan
and never going out much. I don’t think she complains
much, either. I got the impression of her being strong. That


and he is taking his show on the road. It’s
fabulous—it’s fab—to compare the Dylan-
invading-Europe photographs with pictures
of the Beatles in America from the same
approximate time. With the Englishmen,
even though George Harrison in particular
had already begun to hate the tours and they
would soon end, the “lads” are still all smiles.
Dylan obviously feels no such compunction.
Maybe the booing is playing a part.

line, ‘she speaks like silence’—that’s Sara.” Shelton himself
met Sara in 1968 at the first public function she attended with
her famous husband, a tribute to Woody Guthrie at Carnegie
Hall, and later wrote, “mostly on her own, [she] moved about
rather shyly, gravitating toward people she knew from
Woodstock. She appeared demure, yet slightly ill at ease in a
throng fascinated by her husband. I chatted briefly with her,
and noted the deep large eyes, the glowing complexion, the
air of quiet detachment. Friends of Sara considered her then
as extremely warm and devoted toward a select few.”


36-59 LIFE_Bob Dylan 2020 Plugging.indd 50 FINAL 1/13/20 4:24 PM

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