
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

enough awareness of the heavy propaganda for computers
as “the” way to help us decentralize. Computers and later
the Internet being championed as the way to [decentralize]
perversely helped co-opt large movements of people who
wanted a more generally decentralized, and more nature-
based, culture and development path, people who basically
wanted to go back to the land, to leave the big cities.

If you had to sum it up, what’s the message you’d like
to share in terms of technology?
It’s too big for a soundbite. But for now, think of how the
have a warehouse, and how this is linked to destroying local
businesses. We should be talking about what is essential in
an economy: the ways people use nature and other people to
make ends meet, and basically, it should be about providing
Using psychological manipulation to encourage people
to consume was tied to economists arguing that the only
way to avoid another economic depression was to integrate
economies around the world, in other words to create one
global system. This amalgamation was linked to the creation
of the EU and so on, to the idea that to avoid another war we
need one single system.
Most people see the EU as a relatively benign force and
often as the only counter-pole to the American system. But
actually, it was an attempt to amalgamate and integrate to
suit the needs of big business. Big business wanted to grow

beyond national boundaries, and they didn’t want to have to
with some people driving on the left side of the road and
some on the right. They needed standardization, and the
computer and the Internet were an integral part of that.

How would you change the situation?
To paint it dramatically: What would it be like to ban multinational
KWUXIVQM[ NZWU ][QVO \PM 1V\MZVM\' (Laughter) Okay, maybe that
would be a challenge. But multinationals using the Internet
are basically impossible to tax. Look at Apple, at Google. And
these technologies are linked to massive manipulation, not
just in terms of manufacturing needs, but even [in terms of]
toward democratizing the Internet would be in incremental
Using satellites and the Internet for climate monitoring,
for emergency needs, and so on makes sense; having built up
that infrastructure and having those tools, it would be unwise
not to make use of them for many purposes. But, again in an
ideal world, we’d be looking at the way that the whole weap-
ons race is linked to the race into space, and we would be
putting an end to that. We would be looking at the ecological
be talking about slowing down and shrinking our use of the
Internet for global business, the way that several European
countries have done with bans on advertising.

Helena Norberg-Hodge | Conversation

Norberg-Hodge spent decades working and living with Indigenous people in Ladakh, India. Her work there helped crystalize her understanding of
the need for decentralized political and economic structures as well as holistic knowledge of local ecologies.



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