FAR LEFT: The focus
on individuals runs
deep in State of
Decay 2.
LEFT: After the
success of the
recursive loops in
Stories: The Path of
Destinies, Spearhead
Games created a
game structure built
entirely around the
concept, resulting in
the murder mystery
New Game Nods NG+ can be used by developers to surprise players in their playthrough.Spoilersahead!
One of the narrator’s final statements
in a Bastion ending is “Maybe I’ll see
you in the next one.” The first words
in its NG+ are “...I’ll see you in the
next one”, echoing from your
previous playthrough.
The Duke’s Dear Freja is a spider-
summoning abomination. In NG+ she
appears earlier in Brightstone Cove
Tseldora, springing over the cliff when
you expected to find a bonfire.
A patch releasedaweekafterthe
game’s initialreleaseaddedsoundand
dialogue tothecritically-panned
journey ofadeafmartialartist...guy.
It didn’t makethegamebetter,butat
least it existsnow.
Arkham Knight begins with the
cremation of Rocksteady’s iconic Joker,
setting the tone for the rest of the
campaign. In your second playthrough,
Joker still burns – until his corpse
begins laughing in a final surprise.
The ‘Additive NG+’
system of The
Messenger turns the
concept of a new
game plus mode
into a score-chasing
race through
familiar settings.
As a professional developer, I am on friendly and/or working terms with parties mentioned in this piece.
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