Chicago Tribune - 07.03.2020

(Nora) #1

12 Chicago Tribune|Section 1|Saturday, March 7, 2020

Today’s birthday(March 7): Expansion
comes with collaboration this year. Team-
work thrives with coordination and disci-
pline. Generate shared success this winter
before resolving a romantic challenge. Navi-
gate career changes this summer, before new
love blossoms. Next winter brings domestic renovation and
professional glory. Share and connect with friends to grow.
Aries(March 21-April 19): Today is a 9. Consider crazy
schemes. Romantic surprises could arise. Discover hidden
treasure. A brilliant idea inspires your work.
Taurus(April 20-May 20): 8. Consider new domestic pos-
sibilities. Expand old boundaries and create. Respect other
views. Find a balancing compromise.
Gemini(May 21-June 20): 9. New opportunities flower.
Study the situation. Don’t bet on risky business. Creative ef-
forts pay off. Express your growing passion.
Cancer(June 21-July 22): 9. Financial opportunity may hide
behind a change. Watch for it and confirm intuition with
data. Focus on basics. Take advantage of a happy accident.
Leo(July 23-Aug. 22): 9. You may not have the full picture.
Gaining strength gains options. Imagine and envision a per-
sonal dream. Look for silver linings and hidden opportunities.
Virgo(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 7. Lay low and take it easy. Put on
good music in a peaceful hideaway and get productive. Make
plans and consider impossible dreams. Nurture love.
Libra(Sept. 23-Oct. 22): 8. Look for community solutions.
Beware contradictions, lies and trite answers. Avoid gossip
and rumors. Get authentic. Practice excellent service.
Scorpio(Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 9. Your work is earning attention,
despite a challenge. Take advantage of an amazing develop-
ment. Pour your heart into your efforts and create something
of pride.
Sagittarius(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): 9. An investigation heats up.
Listen before advancing. Watch the road ahead. Monitor
travel conditions and follow intuition. Use your special tricks
and learn new ones.
Capricorn(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): 9. Changes require budget revi-
sions. Strategize with your partner. Avoid impulsive moves.
Join forces for solutions. New evidence threatens compla-
cency. Let your heart guide your choices.
Aquarius(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): 8. Connect with your partner. Raise
the level of your collaboration. Share extra care with changes.
Pull together for mutual support. Art and beauty inspire.
Pisces(Feb. 19-March 20): 9. Energize your physical moves.
Slow the pace around sharp curves. Practice to achieve a big
goal. Maintain routines despite interruptions or chaos.

— Nancy Black, Tribune Content Agency

DilbertBy Scott Adams

Baby BluesBy Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott

ZitsBy Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman

Mr. BoffoBy Joe Martin

FrazzBy Jef Mallett


The Argyle SweaterBy Scott Hilburn


BlissBy Harry Bliss Classic PeanutsBy Charles Schulz

PicklesBy Brian Crane

Dick TracyBy Joe Staton and Mike Curtis

Animal CrackersBy Mike Osbun

Prickly CityBy Scott Stantis

Both vulnerable. South deals
♠ 92
♥ 96543
♦ 76
West East
♠10 8 7 3 ♠K
♥AQ102 ♥J
♦KJ4 ♦10 9 8 3 2
♣ 93 ♣J
♣ 762
A side advantage of opening one no trump with a five-
card major is that an innocent opponent will sometimes
lead your suit. The primary advantage, of course, is that it
is the best way to describe your hand. After transferring
into a major, the bid of a new suit is natural and forcing.
South correctly bid three no trump with the other suits
well stopped. It would
have been an error to
bid three spades, as his
partner would have
been worried about
The opening spade
lead went to East’s
king and South’s ace.
Assuming West started
with just four spades
from his lead of the three, it seems right to set up your long
spade right away. That gets you up to eight tricks with
several chances for a ninth — a 3-3 club split or a well-placed
ace of hearts or king of diamonds. That, however, is not the
right play at all.
It is much better to play on clubs first. Regardless of how
the clubs divide, the idea is to exhaust all of West’s clubs.
Should the clubs split evenly, you are home. If not, then
play the queen, jack, and another spade to put West on lead.
Should he have another club, he can cash it without hurting
you. West will have to exit with a red suit and present you
with your ninth trick.
Thanks for this deal goes to Larry Cohen and his
excellent web site:

— Bob Jones
[email protected]

The bidding:
South West North East
1NT Pass 2 ♦* Pass
2 ♥ Pass 3 ♣ Pass
3NT All pass
*Transfer to hearts
Opening lead: Three of♠
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