Publishers Weekly - 09.03.2020

(Wang) #1


hours. The result is thick, firm, tangy labneh—the more sheep or goat’s
cheese, the tangier it will be. It takes more time to hang out your washing
than it does to hang your yogurt, but the perception is that it’s really hard
or involved.

What’s your favorite “show-off” dish for guests?
Jocelyn Ramirez: My mole colorado enmoladas, because the
mole takes lots of time, ingredients, and patience to prepare.
This is the perfect dish to make guests feel special.

Sami Tamimi and Tara Wigley: Maqlubet et ful:
it’s an upside-down Palestinian savory rice cake
layered with hearty vegetables and chunks of meat.
Anything that gets inverted onto a big plate just
before serving is the perfect show-off dish for guests.
It’s impossible not to make the ta-da noise when it’s brought to the table.

Akhtar Nawab: Anything baked in large format. It could be a
perfectly whole-roasted chicken or fish, or even a head of cauli-
flower. It encourages sharing and conviviality.

Leah Cohen: White pepper lobster. Everyone thinks lobster is
so fancy, but it’s actually a really easy dish to make. There aren’t
a lot of ingredients that you have to source, and who isn’t im-
pressed with lobster?

What do you make look easy but really requires mastery?
Sami Tamimi and Tara Wigley: The perfection of a
perfectly cooked egg—firm whites, runny yolks,
nothing in between—is not to be underestimated in,
for example, a green or red shakshuka. The key is to
take your time: low heat and an eagle eye, and also
removing the pan just before they’re ready. The eggs will continue to cook
and firm up from the residual heat in the pan once off the heat.

Leah Cohen: I think all my recipes are something the home
chef can master, but perhaps a more labor-intensive recipe is my
curry puffs. Making the shape of the curry puff, making sure
the dough is not too dry, not too wet—even my sous chefs are
having to learn how to make it work. Pastry is always intimidating.

Jocelyn Ramirez: My chile relleno con papas y huitlacoche dish
does require some mastery in preparing the pasilla chile itself.
Once cooked, it can become a very delicate ingredient, and it
takes time to carefully remove the skin and seeds. Then it gets
stuffed with the filling, being careful not to tear the chile. This is why I say
to make one extra chile in the recipe—one will always tear on you.

Akhtar Nawab: Getting the most out of flavors is the hardest
thing for some people. It requires patience and practice and an
understanding of where you want the dish to end up. Also tim-
ing—knowing the right time to re-season something or when
the oil is hot enough to caramelize something. It all takes practice. —L.S.

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