Publishers Weekly - 09.03.2020

(Wang) #1

The Execution of Jesus the
Mark J. Kubala | WestBowPress
150 pages, e-book, $3.99, ISBN 978-1-5127-
Catholic neurosurgeon Kubala
combines his work and faith in his
debut book, a historical-medical
investigation into the possible
causes of Jesus Christ’s death that
is both factually dense and acces-
sible to the average reader. It takes
most of the book to arrive at Kubala’s own theory, but readers
familiar with Jewish and Christian stories will be impressed
by the lead-up, which includes a deep dive into the history of
Judea, its politics, and its religious leaders as well as a play-by-
play of the week and hours leading up to Jesus’s death that is
more detailed than an Easter service.
The book’s specificity defines its most likely readers. As
Kubala points out, his fellow medical professionals will likely
“find the language to be somewhat elementary.” However,
laypeople may think it reads too much like a textbook. Some
knowledge of the Bible is assumed, and non-Christian and
Christian alike will occasionally feel preached at. But for intel-
lectually curious Christians and history buffs interested in the
era, Kubala’s work is a treasure trove of research. Even the
seasoned churchgoer will learn something new—Kubala
sometimes strays quite far afield, as when he explains the
etymology of the names Golgotha and Calvary—and all
readers will appreciate the clear, objective prose.
Anyone looking for a grip-
ping narrative, emotional
argument, or devotional text
should look elsewhere.
Kubala’s restrained writing
style and well-reasoned argu-
ments resemble those of
medical journal articles. What
he does successfully provide
are the tools to allow anyone
to consider the details of
Jesus’s execution—local
history, medical under-
standing, cause-of-death
theories—and an invitation to
remember Jesus’s sufferings
and rejoice in the triumph of
his resurrection. The descrip-
tions are gruesome, the illus-
trations are basic, and the
message is explicitly
Christian, but those in the
target audience will find it
genuinely moving.

When God Says No:
Revealing the Yes When
Adversity and Loss Are
Judith Briles | Mile High
254 pages, hardcover, $27, ISBN 978-1-
Finding the good in a series of
heartbreaks, Briles (How to Create
a $1,000,000 Speech) shares
moving stories of her personal
darkest times over several decades
and explains how she created something good from each situ-
ation. Starting with the story of losing her 19-year-old son,
Frank, to an accidental drowning, Briles moves on to the death
of another son, Billy, a week after his birth; many losses,
including her job, her car, and custody of her children, in the
process of leaving an abusive marriage; life-threatening
illness; and several business setbacks due to others’ under-
handedness. In circumstances that would have many people
thinking of giving up, Briles shares how she instead turned
each situation into better business prospects or better oppor-
tunities for her and her loved ones.
Briles, a professional speaker focusing on book publishing,
conflict resolution, and personal finance, effortlessly models
coping with disaster through introspection and putting one
foot forward at a time, never wallowing in the negative.
Readers facing challenges at work will especially appreciate
the details of how Briles built her businesses and the failures
she faced along the way. She
doesn’t shy away from
discussing times when she
was lied to and betrayed, and
explains what she learned
from each experience.
Though the title suggests
otherwise, Briles’s optimism
and determination aren’t
rooted in scripture. Non-
religious readers looking to
find the positive in negative
experiences will find just as
many answers. The practices
Briles uses can be applied by
any reader. Though she some-
times frames life through a
religious lens (such as asking,
“Why didn’t God prevent
[Frank’s] accident from
happening?”), she focuses on
the human ability to perse-
vere. This is an admirable
guide to finding the gifts
hidden inside tragedies.

This scientific yet
tender exploration
of Jesus’s final week
and execution will
find a home in
Christian bookstores,
Bible study groups,
and discussions of

Production grades
Cover: A
Design & typography: A
Illustrations: –
Editing: A
Marketing copy: B+

Production grades
Cover: B
Design & typography: A
Illustrations: C
Editing: B-
Marketing copy: B

Readers looking for

a way through dark

times will be in-

spired by Briles’s

memoir of dogged

persistence in the

face of immense



Great for fans of
Tim Hague’s
Perseverance, Neil
Pasricha’s How to Get
Back Up.

Great for fans of
Lee Strobel, N.T.
Free download pdf