Bloomberg Businessweek Europe - 02.03.2020

(Nandana) #1
© 2020 Communities In Schools, Inc.

In schools to

unlock potential.

At the beginning of his freshman year, Jalen’s ambition wavered. He lost sight of his goals and found himself
straying from his path. Toriano from Communities In Schools became his trusted guide, working with Jalen
to improve his attendance, raise his GPA and set clear goals for the future. Now a senior, Jalen is a fi rst-chair
trombone player and drum major in his high school marching band. He’s exploring musical scholarship
opportunities for college, and he has dreams of becoming a U.S. Marshal. There are millions of kids like Jalen
who need a caring adult to help them stay in school and succeed in life.

See how we help all kids succeed.|
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