2019-04-01 Women's Health

(Nora) #1

  1. Saint Jane
    Luxury Beauty
    Serum ($125, saint
    500 milligrams of
    full-spectrum can-
    nabidiol with nour-
    ishing botanicals,
    including frankin-
    cense, calendula,
    geranium flower,
    and sea buckthorn.

  2. Josie Maran Skin
    Dope CBD Oil ($78,
    skindope.com) mix-
    e s 100 mg of small-
    batch, full-
    spectrum CBD from
    U.S. farms with
    hydrating argan oil.

  3. Lord Jones
    High CBD Body Oil
    ($75, sephora.com)
    suggests you roll
    the benefits of CBD
    (along with avocado
    and jojoba oils)
    onto areas of in-
    flammation or pain
    from neck to toes.

  4. Hora Overnight
    Exfoliating Mask
    ($62, horaskin
    care.com) dissolves
    dead cells with
    salicylic acid while
    infusing skin with a
    hit of cannabidiol,
    vitamin A, and eve-
    ning primrose oil.

  5. L’eela Radiant
    Face Serum
    100+mg ($70,
    .com) boosts glow
    and reduces inflam-
    mation with organi-
    cally produced
    CBD, marula oil,
    buriti oil, and
    sandalwood and
    rose essential oils.

  6. Lab to Beauty
    The Balancing
    Face Wash ($40,
    sweeps away dirt
    and impurities with
    CBD, lavender,
    rosemary, and
    soothing neem



many conditions: acne, rosacea,

eczema, psoriasis—even premature

aging,” says New York City dermatol-

ogist Whitney Bowe, MD. “Anything

that dials that down is beneficial.”

But that’s not all. Studies have also

shown that topical CBD decreases

excess oil, which could mitigate acne,

and trials suggest it might have uses

for itchy skin and barrier repair. Adam

Friedman, MD, a professor of derma-

tology at George Washington School

of Medicine & Health Sciences, calls

CBD “a nontraditional antioxidant”

and believes it could potentially nix

free radicals and spur cell turnover.

“The problem is knowing how much

you need and how best to deliver it to

see these effects,” he says, “and

we’re not going to know until there

are more clinical trials.”


First, some clarification. Don’t be

duped by green or leaf-print pack-
aging: There’s a difference between
CBD and hemp seed oil. While the
lat ter does confer a host of bene -
fits—its high fatty-acid content
makes it ultra nourishing—it doesn’t
contain CBD, so always read the
ingredient list.
What’s more, CBD’s use in skin
care isn’t FDA regulated, so it’s tricky
to know what you’re get ting. Check
out Eaze Wellness, which sells only
efficacy-tested CBD products, and
Remedy Review, which provides
medically backed ar ticles on CBD.

Want to ensure a beaut y bang for
your buck? Some brands state the
exact amount of CBD you’re getting;
others don’t. Transparency is key.
“Many products on the market have
lit tle to no CBD, or they even have
THC in them,” says Dr. Knox. (It might

not be enough to get you high, but it
could turn up on drug tests.)
It’s about quality, too, not just
quantity. “A reputable brand will
have third-party-testing results that
ensure its hemp has been tested for
microbes, molds, heavy metals, and
pesticides,” says Dr. Knox.
Another insider tip: Look for “full
spectrum” or “whole plant” on
the label, as cannabidiol appears to
be most potent with other naturally
occurring phytochemicals, says
John Replogle, former CEO of Burt’s
Bees and an investor in Remedy
Review. Derms agree: “We suspect
there might be synergistic interac-
tions between CBD and other plant
compounds,” says Dr. Bowe. “It’s
like food—whole is always bet ter.
Rubbing one compound on the skin
isn’t the same as harnessing the
whole band of nutrients.”
Ready to set your skin aglow?



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