2019-04-01 Women's Health

(Nora) #1


Amped Athleticism
Whether you’re running
marathons or shooting
baskets, deadlifts will
make you better. “Dead-
lifts build power, the life-
blood of any successful
athlete,” says Tenney. The
hip hinge (pushing your
butt back, then thrusting
hips forward) is your body’s
ultimate force move,
propelling running strides,
jumps, and other lifts.

Superior Cardio
Women who performed
heavy strength training
improved their blood
pressure more than those
who stuck with cardio, ac-
cording to an Appalachian
State University study.
That may be because lifting
can act as super-high-
intensity interval training,
prepping your ar teries to
dilate more easily. (Buh-
bye, elliptical sessions!)


Skim the
bar up your
legs as you
push the
floor away.

as tall as
your spine

your pace
and hold
your back
straight as
you lower
the bar
down your

Bear in
mind: The
lowering is
as impor-
tant as the
(don’t drop
the bar!).

We don’t know
a more epic
way to show off

your strength

than picking up 100, 150,

even 200-plus pounds

from a weight-room floor.

Which is just one of the

reasons we’re obsessed

with deadlifts. And we’re

not a lone. “Now t hat re -

search shows it’s a myth

that women shouldn’t lift

heavy [Editor’s note:

hooray!], I find more and

more women are curious

to try deadlifting,” says

women’s strength coach

Allison Tenney, CSCS.

“Then they get excited

about it, and then they’re

ho oke d—not ju st on t he

physical benefits but on

feeling strong, capable,

and empowered as well.”

The classic strength

exercise engages one of

the most innate human

movement patterns

(hinging forward at the

hips) and sculpts every-

thing from the glutes and

hammies to the core, lats,

a nd shou lder s. It a l so let s

you move more pounds

than you can with almost

any other exercise and

uses all of your muscles.

(Tapping so many body

parts at a high intensity =

serious results.) Hello,

newfound sense of power!

Read on for our fave ben-

efits, and see our primer

on form so you can get the

most out of every rep.

You’ll be a deadlift devo-

tee in no time.

Your Form, On Lock

Rock each and every rep with these tips.

Feet hip-
width apart

Barbell over
center of feet

blades over

spine (don’t
look at
the mirror)
Butt as far
back as

Minimal knee
bend (these
aren’t squats!)

Stronger Bones
You have to put weight on
bones to strengthen them.
Luckily, deadlifts let you
load the spine and hips
(which are prone to osteo-
porosis) with multiple
times your body weight.
After each lift, cells called
osteoblasts fill in any
stressed areas of your
skeleton. Once those
spots are calcified, they
turn to rock-hard bone.

Lorna Jane sports bra, $76,
and leggings, $109, lornajane
.com; Adidas sneakers, $180,
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